This year, March seems to be a month to just get through. It's not just me, although for awhile I was worried it was. It's everybody. My neighbours, my friends, my town, my province, half the country. Somebody blamed it all on Mercury Retrograde, which...

On this day back in 2010, rather than making random useless New Year's Resolutions that would be tossed out the window inside of a week, I read about the One Little Word project and chose a "word" that would guide me through the coming year....

Summer finally showed up. Not Spring. One day we were all wearing parkas and dreaming of sunshine, the next day we were tossed headlong into blazing 32 degree (89F) days that absolutely nobody was prepared for. And we all loved every sweaty, smelly moment of...

I searched high and low for signs of Spring, seeing as how it was the first day of Spring and all. But I gave up tramping through the dirt and instead, took a photo of the sun peeking around the corner on one of my...