Monarch on Thistle by SHINE Photo+Design

7 on 7: Sweet Sweet Summertime

About the 7 on 7 Project: Post seven photos on the seventh day of each month – a no pressure project with like-minded photo friends. No rules and no themes, just tell a story with some favourite photos from the previous month, and link to the next photographer in line. Easy and pressure-free. Enjoy!

“Just living is not enough,” said the butterfly,
“one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

– Hans Christian Anderson

peonies by SHINE Photo+Design
peonies by SHINE Photo+Design
Peonies by Shine Photo+Design

It has been a busy summer, but at the same time, I feel like I’ve done nothing at all and it’s almost over. Summertime is running out.

I think that’s a pretty common feeling with most.

There’s been birthdays, anniversary dinners (hello, 13 years – lucky or not lucky? weigh in), work around the new homestead, work at, well, work because the new homestead wasn’t free,  and the usual lounging in the summer heat. I can’t believe we’re into August already.

I missed the June 7 on 7 post, so this is a bit of a combo platter of June and July of which I have at least 250 photos on my computer that I haven’t had time to sort through. The peonies above were a nice surprise in the garden (and I say garden with the greatest amount of optimism) that we’ve inherited with this place. I’ve never had peonies before so they were actually a bit of a delight. There is also a patch of somewhat contained decorative Globe Thistle, and I spent a good hour last week playing with the Monarch below, while she enjoyed the thistle and dried her wings after a storm.

Monarch on Globe Thistle by SHINE Photo+Design
Monarch on Globe Thistle by SHINE Photo+Design
Monarch on Globe Thistle by SHINE Photo+Design
Monarch on Globe Thistle by SHINE Photo+Design

What a beauty. My favourite is the one at the very top of this post, shot through the surrounding thistle. A glimpse.


And that’s it for me – short and sweet. Honestly, I almost missed this month again, and I’m coming in under the wire, with two minutes to bedtime.

Make the most of your August, my friends. See you next month :)

Tara is up next with her seven photos from July.  She’s a fabulous photographer so make sure you stop by and leave her a lovely comment or two.

  • Tara Romasanta
    Posted at 20:21h, 07 August Reply

    Goodness these are luscious and lovely.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:45h, 07 August Reply

      Thanks Tara!

  • kim
    Posted at 01:08h, 08 August Reply

    These images completely blow me away — such incredible colour and detail!! (what lens???) So beautiful, Janice.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:58h, 13 August Reply

      Thanks! The peonies are my iPhone, the butterflies are with that same zoom you love, 70-300mm
      LOVE that lens. I actually use it more than any other, but it’s big and heavy.

  • Kris
    Posted at 10:51h, 09 August Reply

    Oh those colors!! Your monarch was such a great model. What a beauty. These are so beautifully shot I can feel the peace in your garden. Happy new house!

    • janice
      Posted at 20:59h, 13 August Reply

      Thanks Kris! Poor monarch had no choice with its wet wings LOL

  • Kristina
    Posted at 18:14h, 09 August Reply

    What great captures. You Monarch Butterfly shots are amazing!

    • janice
      Posted at 20:59h, 13 August Reply

      Thanks Kristina!

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