I can't count how many times I've ended up in this field down the street, taking photos of this grass. I just love the way the evening light plays with it. It glows. And this, a little later on ...

Yes, I actually picked up my camera. and I think that I've forgotten how to use it. heh. Last Sunday, Father's Day, we were sitting on my patio, having coffees and I said to my Husband, "I want a new gate". Then proceeded to draw out the plan and...

So friends, I need to take a little break for a bit, while I deal with some very unexpected medical issues. Focus52 WILL continue to run. I've done up a few weeks of advance posts. I fully expect you all to keep up with your projects and...

I had quite a few ideas in mind for this week's prompt, but I only got around to one of them. The easiest one. heh. I've always wanted to do the clichéd pencil crayons shot. And so I did. (textures from the fabulous Kim Klassen. Thanks Kim!) I've filed away...