
Today, I’m getting ready.

Busy, like Mizz Bee here …

Mizz Bee

I’m packing a bag, leaving instructions, getting myself together.

Pumping myself up and giving pep-talks.

After weeks of tests and pain and general yuck, I have surgery tomorrow, Monday morning at 5:45am, to remove a mass on my right ovary. It’s doubtful I’ll come out of it with everything I went in with, but I’m okay with that. I don’t need that stuff :p

But, I’d also like to come out without anymore nasty surprises, you know?

So, say a few prayers, cross your fingers, cross your eyes … whatever it is that you do, and know that I appreciate it right now, more than I can say.

I’ll see you soon.

  • CP
    Posted at 18:10h, 26 June Reply

    I love you. I will be in touch all day. I am going to call you later…I am taking a final exam right now (due tonight) and then, I am on the horn with you. But you know you are ingrained in my every thought and prayer. I’m not a religious chick, but I have since converted to 15 different religions in the past month. This has been a shit ass month. June sucks (except for your daughters special day) and I won’t soon forget it. But you are going to ROCK this, girl. I have no doubts. And you’re going to feel better and in five years from now, when we are strolling in the French Quarter, drinking fabulous Vieux Carré Cocktails and dining on beignets, we will be laughing at this whole mess. I promise you. Good things on the horizon, m’lady. This is just a speed bump on the road of life. We’ve endured far worse, have we not?

    I cannot justify my love for you near enough. I am holding your hand through the whole thing. I won’t ever let go. I promise.


  • Mich
    Posted at 18:51h, 26 June Reply

    Crossing everything that I can possibly cross and mostly sending you good vibes for an easy, speedy surgery and recovery and only good outcome. Love ya, babe. xoxo

  • Alison
    Posted at 19:31h, 26 June Reply

    I’ll be thinking of you – hope all goes fantastically.

  • Alison
    Posted at 19:57h, 26 June Reply

    I thought I left this already but I guess not. I’ll be thinking of you and hope all goes well – good surgery, easy recovery and nothing but good things your way.

  • laura
    Posted at 19:59h, 26 June Reply

    hope all goes well tommorrow…bee thinkin of you :)

  • Bari
    Posted at 21:44h, 26 June Reply


    You rock. Sending you healing hugs.

  • Audrey
    Posted at 03:15h, 27 June Reply

    keep the faith. Wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery and I’m sure you will soon be buzzing about again like Mizz Bee. Thoughts are with you.

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 09:45h, 27 June Reply

    many, many happy thoughts and prayers being sent your way!

  • Gwen
    Posted at 10:34h, 27 June Reply

    I know it’s a couple of hours late, but prayers going out to you right now. Hope your recovery is easy and quick, and that there are no “nasty surprises”


  • Gail
    Posted at 12:15h, 27 June Reply

    Praying you will be well and whole again soon. Sorry you are having to go through this.

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 09:59h, 28 June Reply

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and an end to the pain and worry.

  • eddiandizosmom
    Posted at 11:27h, 28 June Reply

    I’ve been thinking of you lots Jan. Hoping that everything went well and that your recovery is as speedy as it can possibly be. *HUGS*


  • Alison
    Posted at 16:01h, 28 June Reply

    I think I commented already (I know I tried!!) but I hope all goes well and recovery is as smooth and as speedy as it can be!

  • Barbara
    Posted at 20:05h, 28 June Reply

    I’ve been out of town so I’m just seeing this. Hope everything went well and I’ll be praying for a swift recovery!

  • Karen in Calgary
    Posted at 01:00h, 29 June Reply

    Been thinking about you lately….I am one who has sucked cuz I’ve gone back to work and have missed the last three weeks….anyway, just wanted to send good Karma and hope you have a super speedy recovery. Hugs to you!!

  • geneil
    Posted at 22:33h, 30 June Reply

    Thinking of you Jan. Hope everything went well.

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