
line it up [21/52]

I had quite a few ideas in mind for this week’s prompt, but I only got around to one of them.

The easiest one. heh.

I’ve always wanted to do the clichéd pencil crayons shot.

And so I did.

(textures from the fabulous Kim Klassen. Thanks Kim!)

I’ve filed away the rest of my photo ideas in my little notebook. Do you keep an idea notebook? You really should. It comes in handy quite often, especially on those days when you’re totally lacking motivation or ideas. Flipping through past ideas sometimes gets my motor running again.

Besides the prompt, I came across these strange little guys …

I’ve never seen this kind of mushroom before. Any ideas on what the heck it is?

Or have that just been caught out in the rain too long? :)

edit: And thanks to the wondrous powers of my flickr friends, they’ve been identified as MOREL mushrooms. An apparent rare find and delicacy and pretty pricey at the grocer, which makes me think that maybe I should get out and collect some of them. Line my wallet.


These little pretties caught my eye too …

(that’s Cara’s fab LR preset again – love it!)

And not only did this next one catch my eye, there was some brake slamming and swearing going on too …

It was misting rain, foggy … I turned a corner on the dirt road I was exploring and ack! about 8 or 9 of these guys up in the dead trees.


Look at him, looking at you :)

edit #2!  Ya, apparently I’m being a bit of an idiot. Totally forgot I took this shot yesterday. Specifically for the prompt, too! geez …

A part of my little collection of vintage cameras, all lined up in a pretty little row.

They make me happy :)


Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • geneil
    Posted at 21:10h, 29 May Reply

    My favorite is the camera collection, so I’m glad you remember to upload it! I really like your muted processing on that one and the colored pencils. I’ve got to get some more actions/textures/etc. Have a good week, Jan!

    • janice
      Posted at 22:24h, 29 May Reply

      I don’t know where my brain is at these days! LOL!
      My favorite little “mute” trick is to just add a colorfill layer on top of a photo and adjust the opacity. This one is a white colorfill, set at normal blend mode, 12% (or lower, can’t remember) opacity.
      It’s quick and easy :)

  • April
    Posted at 22:12h, 29 May Reply

    Love the pencils… especially since they are brand new. I dunno why I LOVE new pencils, markers etc :) And those weird little mushroom things are cool too! I hope you had a great week!

    • janice
      Posted at 22:26h, 29 May Reply

      I do too! Maybe it’s the possibilities?
      I need to find out what those mushrooms are. Seriously :)

  • Henrietta
    Posted at 02:18h, 30 May Reply

    Absolutely beautiful pictures and even crayons shot is clichéd I like it. I have never taken that but I think I have to do also, thats why it is clichéd cause everybody wants it and it is darn cute:)
    I live the little flower shot, the edit is beautiful.
    Have a nice week

    • janice
      Posted at 17:21h, 30 May Reply

      Thanks! Nice week, right back at’cha :)

  • Alison
    Posted at 04:20h, 30 May Reply

    Very beautiful pictures! The mushrooms are very odd – I wonder what kind they are as I’ve also never seen any like those. I love the standard crayon picture – very whimsically precise. And the cameras are so pretty.

    • janice
      Posted at 17:21h, 30 May Reply

      They’ve been identified as MOREL mushrooms!
      I edited the post with the new info.
      Gotta love my flickr buddies :)

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 09:13h, 30 May Reply

    I think those things, whatever they are, should have tiny elves wearing them on their heads! :-)

    • janice
      Posted at 17:22h, 30 May Reply

      ha! all mushrooms! So whimsical. I love them.

  • saintseester
    Posted at 09:33h, 30 May Reply

    Love the camera shot. It just makes me happy, too.

    • janice
      Posted at 17:22h, 30 May Reply

      It makes me smile, every time I pick it up.
      It’s so tiny!

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:54h, 30 May Reply

    I was wondering when we’d get to see some of your vintage cameras, love them! Great photos J, love your processing!

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