Days filled with sunshine and the promise of Spring. A trip to the greenhouse that soothed my soul. Lazy sunday mornings listening to the rain and relaxing drives down some of my favorite roads. Thank you, April. See you next year. You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For...

My quick contribution to this week's focus52 prompt, still life. I love taking photos of fruit. And it seems I can't resist working them into some sort of art piece, adding textures and whatnot. Two gorgeous textures here, one from the always fabulous Kim Klassen and another...

I find that, each week as I'm searching for something to shoot for the focus52 prompt (and yes, I stump myself too) I really want to be shooting people. Wait, that didn't sound right. heh. I need some people in my photos. (there, that's better) With summer approaching, I'm...