An entire month of photos in this post. I am officially President of the Procrastinator's Club. Go me :) It's been a wonderful month. Birthdays, final school days, anniversaries, graduation, daughter got a car for her 18th birthday / high school graduation ...

Meeting up with best girlfriends AND bringing my camera along? Like, specifically meeting up for that purpose only? YAY! So nice to have people who actually WANT to be in front of my lens ;) You've met Juanita before ...

A Duck Tale by Janice S. (oh I is sooo funny! heh) _____________________ We had an unexpected visitor this evening ...

quack! day 187 (1)

I live in the 'burbs, so it's not everyday you see a duck stroll up your front walk. (not one word about my weedy front walk ... shush) These next few shots have been cracking me up since I opened them ... (blame it on the heat, maybe)