lollipop, lollipop {224/365}

Yep … another ear worm for you.

Y’r welcome!


Must be my lucky week.  Daughter has actually been in my camera sights twice in as many days.

(I miss the toddler years … photos daily! *sigh)

Anyways …

She and her friend came home with goodies and my first words were pretty much “can I get a picture?”



Cool, right?

Not so, says my girl. According to her, that wonderful girl who I love with all of my heart, blood of my blood, blahblahblah … according that her, my “camera doesn’t take good pictures of her”.

Yes, you heard that right. uh-huh.

Double slap.

Good thing she’s cute :)

Processed with my Peachy Fade lightroom action.

Yes, I’m STILL working on that sucker. Shush.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Alex
    Posted at 00:08h, 13 August Reply

    Your work is PHENOMENAL. Love. Love. Love.

    Love YOU!

  • Leslie
    Posted at 02:07h, 13 August Reply

    A. Dora. Bull.

    Some day, when she’s 40, she’s going to look back at these pictures and regret ever saying that. And she’s going to love you all the more because of these.

    Makes me wish my mom hadn’t taken up photography until I was 33.

    So not cute now.

    PS – The colors on these are phenomenal. I love whatever you do when you do this. This, what you do.

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 09:05h, 13 August Reply

    love the ear worm :) “bop, ba dum dum dum” I’m crushing on your peachy fade!! oh and as far as words of a teenager… there are reasons why some animals want to eat their young… LOL I’m just sayin ;). (And for what its worth, she is beautiful. the camera probably doesn’t do her justice)

  • Jillsy
    Posted at 10:13h, 13 August Reply

    i think we all say the same thing when it comes to looking at ourselves! ha! tell her she can’t get more adorable!!

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