I've hitched my wagon to Maegan Beishline's Creativity Boot Camp Creativity Boot Camp is a two week intensive e-course designed to take your creativity to the next level. Well who couldn't use a creative boost?  I signed up right quick (because, y'know, I don't have enough stuff on...

Hanging out in my neighbour's yard again.  What can I say?  He has interesting stuff :) This is an outdoor water fountain type thing and I had ideas of catching the water flowing down the sides, all soft and slow-motion like. Yeah, that sucked. But this, I kind...

The woman who stole my life awesome Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, has posted another photo assignment.  This time, the subject is "happiness". I knew immediately, which photo I wanted to use ...

I've been sitting here processing photos of my neighbour's daughter for a couple of hours now. And grinning the entire time. That girl is such a cutie and the expressions on her little face just kill me.


That would be her looking at my camera quite intently. You see why I've been grinning? I still have quite a bit to go through, but here's another little peak ...