boot camp {157/365}

I’ve hitched my wagon to Maegan Beishline’s Creativity Boot Camp

boot camp

Creativity Boot Camp is a two week intensive e-course designed to take your creativity to the next level.

Well who couldn’t use a creative boost?  I signed up right quick (because, y’know, I don’t have enough stuff on the go … I should really add some more) and today we start!

Today’s creative prompt was IVORY.

I immediately thought piano keys.  Beautiful!

But I don’t have a piano.

And then I thought … elephants!!!

But I don’t have an elephant either.

White flowers?

*snore* that’s all I’ve been shooting lately.

soooo …



I have to say, I had a ton of fun setting up this shot.  And it was a bit of a complicated affair y’know.  Slippery wet hands and cameras do NOT mix.

My camera body is really, really clean now though ;)

Thanks Maegan for going above and beyond to put on this fun, FREE (yes FREE! how absolutely cool is she???) eCourse. Hitting the middle mark of my 365Project, this really couldn’t come at a better time.   I’m totally looking forward to whatever comes next.


Check out Creativity Boot Camp here, and/or on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and BlogFrog.
Check out Maegan Beishline’s site, ‘Madeline Bea’, here.

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Stephanie
    Posted at 20:46h, 06 June Reply

    I like your photo! I think it’s creative and fun at the same time! Good for you for thinking outside of the box. And, I bet it was tricky!! :o)

  • chris
    Posted at 20:53h, 06 June Reply

    I LOVE it! It’s perfect!

  • Tammy Lee Bradley
    Posted at 20:56h, 06 June Reply

    Funny and creative. Enjoy! I am having fun already.

  • Sue
    Posted at 21:03h, 06 June Reply

    Awesome shot!!! Ivory Soap would love to use that one I bet!!!
    It looks so professional!!!

    • janice
      Posted at 01:09h, 07 June Reply

      aww thanks Sue :)

  • feather
    Posted at 22:05h, 06 June Reply

    ha! this made me laugh because i went through the same brainstorm as you did with the ivory prompt…only i didn’t have any ivory soap! i love the way you shot the bar in the bubble bath. love all that white!

  • Wendy
    Posted at 22:18h, 06 June Reply

    So much fun!

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 22:19h, 06 June Reply

    Incredible!!! and the fact you don’t have raisin fingers, BRAVO

    • janice
      Posted at 00:03h, 07 June Reply

      No raisin fingers but that soap dried my skin right out! omg! (sorry ivory soap peoples)

  • Abi
    Posted at 23:16h, 06 June Reply

    Great idea, great execution!

  • Kate
    Posted at 23:52h, 06 June Reply

    I love it! How did you get such wonderful suds? Great photo!

  • Carrie
    Posted at 06:18h, 07 June Reply

    Oh, I just love your interpretation of the theme! Fantastic :)

  • june
    Posted at 06:22h, 07 June Reply

    Holy Crap, Janice. I am so impressed with the work you are doing with your photography this year. Wish I had the time. Oh, well, one more item for my retirement bucket list.

    • janice
      Posted at 10:11h, 07 June Reply

      It doesn’t take all that much time. And there are “52 Week” projects too which aren’t quite as crazy. I’m thinking I might do that next year ;)
      And “Holy Crap Janice” is seriously the BEST COMMENT EVER! LOL!!! Love it! xoxo

  • Maegan
    Posted at 07:51h, 07 June Reply

    Perfect! I can’t believe you had an actual bar of ivory soap in the house! Great work!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:09h, 07 June Reply

      Thanks Maegan! And thank you SO MUCH for putting on this fabulous affair. Truly. Above and beyond :)

  • Gail
    Posted at 14:33h, 07 June Reply

    I can’t believe I missed the first assignment!

    You did good. :)

  • Tracy
    Posted at 14:56h, 07 June Reply

    Great job!

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:29h, 07 June Reply

    I’m having a terrible time with this, trying to find the time. ugh. I really like your take on this, fabulous photo!

    • janice
      Posted at 01:03h, 08 June Reply

      Thanks girl!
      Don’t stress yourself out. It’s supposed to be fun AND useful :)

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