My girlfriend buried her Husband today. It's a tragic story, and not mine to tell. and really, I have no words. My heart breaks for her. --------------------------------------------------------------- You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals. For all daily photos...

It's the long weekend here in Canada. The first long weekend of 'summer'. It's also my best friend's birthday. Traditionally, she and I would spend every May long weekend together and celebrate. I can't remember the last time I made any type of plans for...

February 4/1934 - April 21/2005 Five years ago today, I lost my Mom. I held onto her and told her she could go. I told her it was okay. She died in my arms. I had no idea at the time just how damaging that experience would be...

This is my Mom's sewing box. When I was a little girl, this sewing box fascinated the hell out of me.  Both sides lift up and out, like accordion styled wings.  I loved to rummage through it and ultimately my goal would always be the buttons. ...