framed [5/52]

My week ran away from me, and took all of my ideas with it. I hate when that happens.

But I did manage to grab this, the calm (sorta) before the storm …

I love this road and the way the trees frame it. In the summertime, you can’t see the sky for all of the leaves. It’s like a gorgeous green tunnel.

Funny, I didn’t even notice the crow way down there on the road when I took this.

This week though, well it’s always a tough one for me. There’s this tapping on my shoulder, this voice in the back of my head whispering to me of my Mom’s birthday.

I tell myself each year that I shouldn’t waste this day with sadness, I should celebrate it. Celebrate her.

And I’m getting there.

For the most part.

I wasn’t going to mark this day with a photo, or a poem or anything out of the ordinary, as has become my habit the past few years. I was going to say my quiet ‘Happy Birthday’ and move along through my day.

But there’s this frame, and my favourite picture of her … and well I just didn’t stop thinking about it.

Those buttons are out of her sewing box. The measuring tape too. How many times I held my arms out straight, so she could measure me for a sweater she’d be knitting, and she was always knitting.  When my daughter came along, I swear I could’ve opened a small store with all of the gorgeous things she made. So many, my girl barely had time to wear them before they were outgrown and the next size took their place. My Mom gave you a little piece of her love when she knit for you.

I remember a time, after I’d moved away from home, I came back with a freshly broken heart and not a penny to my name. I sat in her basement for a week, depressed to the core, alternating between watching TV and crying. Mom didn’t say much about it, or maybe not much that I heard. And then one day, she came downstairs and sat beside me and gave me some mittens.

She’d been upstairs, knitting me mittens.

And she put them on my hands and said they were going to keep me warm. Her eyes were so worried for me.

It squeezes my heart to think of all of the love and worry that went into those mittens.

And I’d give anything to have her knit me a new pair.

Mom, you’re with me in every little thing I do and I miss you every single day that you’re gone.

Happy Birthday.



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  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 08:33h, 06 February Reply

    I’ve got tears rolling down my cheek right now.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:36h, 06 February Reply

      I did too ;)

  • Geneil
    Posted at 08:46h, 06 February Reply

    It’s all so lovely Jan–the pictures and the tribute to your mother. Hang in there this week.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:37h, 06 February Reply

      Thanks girl. It’s all good. And good to write about her every now and then.

  • saintseester
    Posted at 09:14h, 06 February Reply

    Very touching tribute to your mom.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:37h, 06 February Reply

      Thank you :)

  • june
    Posted at 09:20h, 06 February Reply

    You were blessed with Mary and I am so grateful to her. What is her birthdate?

    • janice
      Posted at 09:38h, 06 February Reply

      It was on the fourth.

  • Shelley Young
    Posted at 11:30h, 06 February Reply

    You made me tear up, too! Such a loving tribute, Jan.

    • janice
      Posted at 11:39h, 06 February Reply

      Thanks Shelley :)

  • Starla
    Posted at 11:35h, 06 February Reply

    Your photo of the snow is just lovely….so serene

    I totally get where you are in your thoughts of your mother. My mom has been gone for almost 15 years.
    I still ache. Especially when I look at my sons. The grandsons she wanted so much, but never got to meet.

    Ok….time to leave now. Before I flood the computer. Your tribute to your mother is beautiful.

    • janice
      Posted at 11:50h, 06 February Reply

      awww … that’s a tough one, for sure.
      I’m sure she’s smiling down on her grandbabies though.

  • Gail
    Posted at 16:23h, 06 February Reply

    This was beautiful. My throat aches, and my heart does, too. Both of your photos exude emotion and are absolutely exquisite. Not sure when I’ll have time to get to Flickr today, but wanted to let you know how deeply your post affected me. Made me think a lot about my own mom and how she struggles to survive with her Parkinson’s each day. Take care, my friend. You are a beautiful soul.

    • janice
      Posted at 16:51h, 06 February Reply

      I thought about you last night when I was linking the old posts. You had left me a comment about your Mom and I wondered how she’s doing.
      I wish you many, many more love-filled years with her, my friend.

  • Martha
    Posted at 16:49h, 06 February Reply

    Happy Birthday to you mom! I have a very dear friend whose sister died in a car accident several years ago and every year they celebrate Nikki’s birthday with a cake and good memories. At first it was a sad thing, and now it’s a happy way to keep her memory alive.

    Beautiful photos this week (as always). I still have photo envy!

    • janice
      Posted at 16:54h, 06 February Reply

      So right. We should celebrate the day.
      Thanks, Martha :)

  • Micheline Harvey
    Posted at 17:36h, 06 February Reply

    Both pictures are so lovely and evocative. The frame for your mom’s pic is a treasure! And I want the first pic for my Xmas card next year. ;)

    • janice
      Posted at 17:55h, 07 February Reply

      Christmas already? ;)

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:28h, 06 February Reply

    Beautiful J, all of it…as are you. ((hugs)) & much love. <3

    • janice
      Posted at 17:55h, 07 February Reply

      Thanks gf :)

  • Christie
    Posted at 17:46h, 07 February Reply

    Beautiful. Your words and your pictures, both.

    Thank you for allowing me to be part of Focus52. Hopefully I can provide as great a content as you have!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:56h, 07 February Reply

      So nice to have you, Christie! Welcome to the group!

  • Maureen
    Posted at 19:49h, 07 February Reply

    awwww. I can’t believe I almost missed this post.
    Your photos are gorgeous, and your Mom was a real stunner. I love that photo and her outfit.
    I understand your feelings. I lost my Mom nearly 16 years ago, and still miss her, and her presence in my life, and my children’s lives. They have pretty much grown up with out grandparents of any kind.
    I was born on my mother’s birthday, so, there is no way around a day of celebration of another birthday, and thoughts of the woman who gave me life.
    I hope you still have those mittens.I say, put them on, have some cake and balloons and celebrate her often. Isn’t that the way we’d like to be remembered?

  • Lauren
    Posted at 21:34h, 07 February Reply

    I loved this photo when I saw it on Flickr – how the colours are all in the same family, and the different aspects to it. I love it even more now that I read the story behind it (and it made me tear up a little). Beautiful photo.

  • Barbara
    Posted at 16:44h, 08 February Reply

    Oh, Jan, it’s been a crazy week for me and I’m just now seeing this. Thank you for sharing a bit of your mom with us in this beautiful tribute – the mom and daughter in me are both crying. Beautiful photos, but even more so now.

  • Jan's camera
    Posted at 15:53h, 10 February Reply

    That was a lovely tribute to your mom. Your photo is is beautiful.

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