LeeAnn {143/365}

It’s the long weekend here in Canada. The first long weekend of ‘summer’.

It’s also my best friend’s birthday.

Traditionally, she and I would spend every May long weekend together and celebrate. I can’t remember the last time I made any type of plans for this weekend that didn’t include her.

Lee & I - 1987ish

Lee & I – 1987ish

This is my second year without her.

She followed not too far behind my Mom, both of them hammered down by the hateful Big ‘C’. The two people who knew me the best and the longest (her, over twenty years), both gone within two short years of each other.


Lee and I had a lot of plans. We were going to travel. We were going to dress in purple and wear big sloppy red hats and see the world. We were going to grow old and complain about brittle bones and improper bowel movements, ‘those young people these days’ and the overall mess of the world in general. She was going to be the crazy cat lady and I was going to be her oldest and dearest friend.

We always planned to go to New Orleans. That was one of our ‘gotta do it’ trips. After she passed, one of the things I took home with me from her place was these guys …


They remind me of her.

Happy Birthday to my oldest, dearest friend.  Sister of my heart.  I hope that today, wherever you are, you’re wearing a big, sloppy, stunningly gorgeous red hat and raising your glass to us all.

I miss you all ways, always.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Sue
    Posted at 06:02h, 24 May Reply

    Oh my, J. What a beautiful tribute. I know how painful it is to miss a best friend- They’re out ‘there’ somewhere, always near us. Of course, also, they are there inside of our hearts, forever part of us and our life, and always on our minds.

  • june
    Posted at 07:26h, 24 May Reply

    Thinking of you!

  • Tree Campbell
    Posted at 10:26h, 24 May Reply

    great shot J! I would love to have a copy of those jazz dudes…if you don’t mind…..:) I wondered where they went, glad they went to you, they reminded me so much of her..and I know they will be cherished!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:25h, 24 May Reply

      I’ll send you a copy. I didn’t process it for printing though, so I’ve no idea what it would come out like if you wanted to print it.
      If you do, make sure there are no auto settings checked (ie, no sharpening, color enhance, etc).

  • Nat
    Posted at 15:30h, 24 May Reply

    :( I can”t believe she’s been gone 2 years already. I am all in with you to do New Orleans, honestly I would totally go with you.
    .-= Nat´s last blog ..Iron King Giveaway =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 17:31h, 24 May Reply

      Yeah but you’d put the scare into me. I want to see the spooky N.O. too, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t recover ;)

  • CP
    Posted at 15:59h, 24 May Reply

    Aw, man. That made me cry. I lost two of my closest friends within five years…my very best friend Norman five years ago. Died from AIDS related complications and then, my dear friend Derek from an overdose of drugs.

    I absolutely know the pain you are feeling, as whenever Norman’s birthday and anniversary of his death roll around, I get so somber and pained. So many things we never got to do that we SWORE we would. I watched him die a slow and painful death…and it tore me up.

    Derek was a sudden death. No warning with a drug overdose. But, I am forever haunted by the fact that he asked me to PLEASE meet him for coffee earlier that day…and due to things with the kids, I couldn’t. I always felt that if I had just met him…well, you know.

    But, if you ever decide to trek to the states…I will happily do New Orleans with you. I’m not your beloved friend…but I promise you a lot of laughs in her memory. *hugs*

    Thanks for sharing her story. You keep her alive through your words and pictures.

    And I ADORE the 80’s pic of you guys. It simultaneously made me laugh…and my heart break.
    .-= CP´s last blog ..In Good Company… =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 17:28h, 24 May Reply

      Yes, it was pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, and started my descent into crazy for a little while.
      I miss her muchly, but I’m good now.

      And New Orleans with YOU?! OMG the fun we’d have!!!
      I wonder how much it is to keep a lawyer on retainer? ;)

  • Tug
    Posted at 20:06h, 24 May Reply

    Beautiful J…the photo, the tribute, and the 80’s hair. ;-) (sorry, couldn’t resist)
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Moth =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:27h, 24 May Reply

      ha! And that was pretty tame. I have a few shots where I swear it’s about a foot high. With a spiral perm. Fun times ;)

  • geneil
    Posted at 21:07h, 24 May Reply

    beautiful tribute. I’m sorry for your loss of friend and mother so close together.
    .-= geneil´s last blog ..144:365 Leavin’ =-.

  • Robin
    Posted at 09:58h, 25 May Reply

    That’s a beautiful shot.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..Fantastic =-.

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