I just love some delicious window light. I don't know what it is about items on a windowsill that appeals to me so much. And I swear, one of these days I will have a big, beautiful window overlooking my kitchen sink, filled with potted...

I stumped my own self this week. Actually, it's more like I was foiled by Mama Nature and her crabby, cranky ways. No fun snowball fights for this girl, as was the plan. So inside shots it is. Texas Hold 'Em isn't as much fun when there's...

... and it seems that I've yet to wake up since I took this shot this morning. No Fence Friday for me today. Apparently the caffeine hasn't done it's job. (and it looks like I need to do some dusting. heh) zzzz..... --------------------------------------------------------------- Taken for the women of Mortal Muses. You can...