Hope comes in many forms. The crane is a mystical, holy creature in Japan - it represents luck, good fortune, and long-life. The act of folding cranes, specifically, 1000 cranes, is said to make the folder's wish come true. Strings of one thousand paper cranes are often...

It's funny how when you actually open your eyes and start looking for something, you'll see it absolutely everywhere. But even though I came across all sorts of yellows for the prompt this week, I had my mind set on creating a still life. Something full...

What's silly is the way time is flying lately and I just can't seem to catch up to myself. This week, I've been busy editing photos (for forever it seems!) from last weekend's fundraiser. Here's a little (non-identifying .. heh) peek from over 300 photos ...

So I was all set to celebrate Spring this week. For the focus52 prompt, 'the view from here', I thought I'd be out searching for little green sprouty things and whatnot. The snow was melting, I spotted a robin, the weather was gorgeous ...

Totally late with my post this week, but not my photos! I had way too much fun driving around on St Paddy's Day to miss this week's focus52 prompt, 'green'. The first stop I made was at my girlfriend's restaurant, where I made her pour me...