the view from here [12/52]

So I was all set to celebrate Spring this week. For the focus52 prompt, ‘the view from here’, I thought I’d be out searching for little green sprouty things and whatnot. The snow was melting, I spotted a robin, the weather was gorgeous … in fact, this is what my little corner of the world was looking like last week …

Only little patches of snow here and there, well on their way to melting. Things were definitely looking like Spring was on her way. (I actually took this shot for last week’s ‘green’ prompt and somehow forgot all about it, so here it is)

And then?

And then Mama Nature got her knickers in a twist.

Y’know, even though you know that you probably haven’t seen the last of winter, it’s still completely craptastic when it happens. This was Wednesday. Nasty snowstorm, nasty roads, no buses, and an unexpected snow day for the kids. I snapped this on my way home from work, and couldn’t resist playing around with some textures. Might as well make the most of things and pretty up a bad situation, right? heh. Two textures here, from the generous Ms Klassen.

But this? This right here makes it all almost worth it …

This was the morning after the storm, shot in the office yard. Gorgeous morning sun making everything sparkle. Although winter has gotten really, really old, scenes like this make you forget the cold for a little while.

A very little while.

This was pretty cool too …

although, try as I did, I didn’t do a very good job of capturing what I was seeing. With ice forming on each individual pine needle, the whole thing looked like a giant ice floral bloom. So cool. Ah well.

I’m going to wrap things up with this lovely view from my desk …

Office Kitty says, it’s too damn cold to be outside.


Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • Sue
    Posted at 20:44h, 27 March Reply

    You know I just love anything you take pictures of. Snow, green rooftops, and office kitty included! Beautiful stuff, J! I’ve missed your daily shots from your 365 project!

    • janice
      Posted at 21:36h, 27 March Reply

      Awww, thanks Sue!
      They’re all still here, just not posted as frequently ;)

  • Gail
    Posted at 20:51h, 27 March Reply

    Jan, you really made the most of your unexpected last (hopefully) bite of winter! So many things to love about them all. The one that really grabs me is the frozen pine needle. Wow. I thought at first it was some sort of bauble…that got frozen? Beautiful texture on that first snow pic. And that blue sky with the sunburst is amazing. So is your precious kitty.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:38h, 27 March Reply

      Gail, it was SO cool! I did a double take when I saw it.
      It’s one of my planters on my deck. Water drips quite a bit from the eaves trough at my back door.

  • saintseester
    Posted at 21:11h, 27 March Reply

    I love nature’s ice sculptures. Just very glad I do not have to live with them often.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:38h, 27 March Reply

      ha! yeah, count your blessings ;)

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 21:23h, 27 March Reply

    At first glance, I thought that ice cluster had a dragonfly caught inside. That’s such an interesting capture. Love it!

    • janice
      Posted at 21:39h, 27 March Reply

      When I first saw it in real life, it took me a second to figure out what was happening there!

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:00h, 27 March Reply

    Very pretty, love the ice! We still have nothing. Nothing but a state on fire due to nothing. :-/

    • janice
      Posted at 22:06h, 27 March Reply

      Really??? Isn’t that so weird for where you are?
      Fire. That’s not good at all :(

      • Tug
        Posted at 09:59h, 28 March Reply

        Yeah, it’s (obviously) not unheard of, but definitely weird. Denver got a little snow this morning, but we’ve still got absolutely nothing.

  • Elaine
    Posted at 22:55h, 27 March Reply

    Your kitty is a smart one! I love the ice shot. So pretty!! But yeah, snow and cold make for some excellent views but damn, when is your spring going to come already! We need some sun and fun shots STAT! I’ll have to text mother nature and see what’s up.

  • Gwen
    Posted at 23:55h, 27 March Reply

    So crazy weather!!!! We were supposed to get snow today, and thankfully it passed us by. It’s still cold though, over 20 degrees colder than the average this time of year. I really don’t get the weather this year, it’s very freaky. Anyhow, I love your captures, and that pine in ice is so cool!!!! Hope everything melts fast now, and that spring truly arrives!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:15h, 28 March Reply

      The sun has been shining and gorgeous ever since, but it’s still frigidly cold out. Hopefully the temps rise soon and melt this stuff.

  • Bari
    Posted at 10:26h, 28 March Reply


    I am chilled to the bone today. Florida on my mind.

    Great shots as always! But, today they are making more cold! LOL

    • janice
      Posted at 17:15h, 28 March Reply

      ha! my work here is done ;)

  • dianemarie
    Posted at 17:32h, 28 March Reply

    I absolutely love the colors in the 1st one, especially the roof! I’ve never seen pine needles covered with snow like that, looks magical! And the cat, LOL, that cat is NOT the least bit happy – so typical of the finicky lil creatures. :)

    • janice
      Posted at 17:58h, 28 March Reply

      ROFL! She’s totally happy!
      Just wearing the typical snooty cat expression ;)

  • Beyond the Dog Dish
    Posted at 01:52h, 30 March Reply

    Oh I know! Wasn’t that mean of Mother Nature? Teasing us with great outdoor weather and then to give us a deep freeze!

    I really love the lighting on your cat and wow… the eyes!!

    I just missed signing up for this by an hr or so. But “My View From Here” is here –>

  • Barbara
    Posted at 13:32h, 30 March Reply

    Wow, what a week! Brrr – I need to go get another cup of coffee after seeing all that ice and snow! I think the ice encased pine cone is beautiful!

  • Nancy
    Posted at 14:09h, 31 March Reply

    wow! these are absolutely gorgeous! really, really love office kitty!

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