January Roads by SHINE PhotoDesign

7 on 7: let’s do this

About the 7 on 7 Project: Post seven photos on the seventh day of each month – a no pressure project with like-minded photo friends. No rules and no themes, just tell a story with some favourite photos from the previous month, and link to the next photographer in line. Easy and pressure-free. Enjoy!

Hello, 2018. 


I’m completely and utterly happy to see you.

And YOU.

No really. I neglect and ignore this little space on the internets and I’m thrilled when all four of you actually show up when I occasionally have something to say.

Not that I have anything to say.

At the moment.

snowy squirrel by SHINE PhotoDesign
Hey man, thanks for being here.

But Kim decided we should have another go at a monthly photo project and I decided that I should get off my ass and join in.


She’s a good influence on me.

So ya. 2017. It was busy, to say the least. We bought a new (old) (like circa 1881, old) house, sold our old (much newer) house and did it all within 60 days. Understand that I’d been in the old (newer) house for seventeen years and that meant there was over eleventy-million years worth of crap to sort through, organize, keep, toss, donate and otherwise foist onto whoever would take said crap. FUN TIMES. But we made it, AND I actually found my Christmas decorations literally just in time to have our first Christmas here.

And here we are. Hello, 2018. I’m ready for you.

That’s actually a bit of a lie. After ending the year with all of that crazy activity, I’ve pretty much been in my pajamas for most of January.

Sunday Mornings by SHINE PhotoDesign
Three out of four Canadian Winter weekends are spent in pajamas. Don’t judge.

One of the first things I did when we moved in here was to set out some bird feeders.

I may have left a note for our birds at the old house, a bit of a forwarding address situation.

You don’t know.

Sitting Pretty by SHINE PhotoDesign
I love these little guys and their plump white bellies.
Bird by SHINE PhotoDesign
These guys are FAST. Like, crazy spastic fast.
female cardinal by SHINE PhotoDesign
The only somewhat half-decent shot I’ve been lucky enough to get of this red Lady.


There are walnut trees at the back of the property and at least ten to fifteen squirrels in the yard at any given moment. It’s crazy.

(We won’t discuss the mouse situation the old Owner left behind. Let’s just say it’s been handled and leave it at that).

Now, no sooner had we moved in here and settled in, my girl also found a place in the City and moved right on out. Brat. Seriously, who said she could grow up and behave like an adult? Who said she could???

Me, possibly.


All kidding (and worry) aside, I’m quite happy for her. And pretty damn proud.

These were on her table in her new place …

Shadows by SHINE PhotoDesign
Happily finding beauty and light, even when your heart hurts a little.

Man, I love that girl.


And that’s it for me. We’re already into February and I’m spending less and less time in pajamas or trackies so here’s hoping I have more to share next month.

Possibly more squirrels.

You don’t know.

Kim is up next with her seven from January. She is one helluva talented woman so make sure you stop by and see what she’s been up to.

  • Kris
    Posted at 11:48h, 07 February Reply

    Happy new (old) house! This totally made me smile. Your birds are gorgeous! <3

    • janice
      Posted at 12:17h, 10 February Reply

      Thanks Kris!

  • Sandra
    Posted at 12:11h, 07 February Reply

    I love your little bird study. and omg the flowers with that texture filter, so stunning. Congrats on the new (old) house! Enjoy getting settled.

    • janice
      Posted at 12:19h, 10 February Reply

      I hadn’t opened PS for a photo in SO long! It was fun to play around with textures for a bit.

  • Kristina
    Posted at 12:17h, 07 February Reply

    Congrats on the new digs. Your post cracked me up. :) Your photos are gorgeous and I love the snow-dusted squirrel shot.

    • janice
      Posted at 12:20h, 10 February Reply

      Thanks Kristina! Isn’t he miserably adorable?

  • tara
    Posted at 13:17h, 07 February Reply

    such a peaceful set of images! those birds are so cute and plump. congrats on the new/old house. that kim is a good influence on all of us, i think. :)

    • janice
      Posted at 12:20h, 10 February Reply

      She is! Thanks, Tara.

  • kim
    Posted at 16:57h, 07 February Reply

    Now THAT looks like proper winter (unlike where I am at the moment). I love that you capture all the pretty in your yard – must get a bird feeder. And a long lens. Your work is gorgeous and you make me laugh, my friend!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:23h, 10 February Reply

      This winter sure is COLD! On the bright side, we now know where all the drafts are for Spring fixing LOL
      Thanks, my friend. Laughter is always the goal.

  • Michel
    Posted at 19:34h, 08 February Reply

    I’m so glad your birdies got the forwarding address. what a great start to the new year!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:24h, 10 February Reply

      If I can lure the cardinals in, I will be one happy camper!
      I’m working on it 😉

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