Hello, 2018.  I'm completely and utterly happy to see you. And YOU. No really. I neglect and ignore this little space on the internets and I'm thrilled when all four of you actually show up when I occasionally have something to say. Not that I have...

I remember this fence was one of the very first scenes I photographed way back at the beginning of my first 365 in 2010 (if you click over to look, be reassured that no, you do not need glasses - it really is just that...

This week's focus52 prompt was all about the music. The prompt was "Name That Tune - photography set to music", and I totally went for the obvious. Go ahead, have a listen! ♫ ♪ ♫ (or click the video below if it shows up for you) [youtube]http://youtu.be/RsKqMNDoR4o[/youtube] I've always loved...