come out and play [30/52]

Hey you guys!

Yep, I actually picked up my camera. Hell, for that matter, I’m actually walking. heh.

Recovery from major surgery has been slow going. For weeks, I thought I’d never feel right again. But once the four week mark reared it’s head, my body finally started listening to me and got the hell up. Since then, I’m better everyday. Finally.

That’s not to say I can venture too far. This tickseed is right outside my front door :)

come out and play

What started out in my head as just a floral with maybe a texture thrown on for good measure, turned into me playing around looking for a toy camera kind of look. I started in Lightroom, messing with color blending and adding some fake light leaks using graduated filters, then took it over to photoshop and added some textures, one of them being Vintage Tinted Lens from Jerry at Shadowhouse Creations. Great texture to get a bit of that plastic lens look. A simple gradient gives that over-exposed look in the upper left corner (or some lovely fake sun?) and then a slight color overlay finished it off. I have to say, I had a really hard time not taming those yellow-greens. I had to keep telling myself to leave it alone. You get those overly vibrant colors with the plastic lenses. Kinda.

Oh, and yes, I added rounded corners. Rounded corners just scream retro, right? Right.

It’s probably not for everyone, but I kinda like it.

You know, sometimes I have way too much fun processing. heh.

I’m so glad to be back, you guys. You have no idea :)


Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 19:53h, 01 August Reply

    It’s fabulous! and I love rounded corners, totally retro.
    And I’m so glad you are back!

    • janice
      Posted at 19:59h, 01 August Reply

      Thanks girl! Although my post-surgery body has swelled up sitting at this computer. LOL!
      That’s alright, I totally enjoyed playing :)

  • Sue
    Posted at 20:05h, 01 August Reply

    Now that shot had to brighten you up because it just had me smiling ear to ear! I love the bright happiness and yes, the retro, that this picture brings… It’s like a “In your face!” shot of happy! Love it, J!

    • janice
      Posted at 20:08h, 01 August Reply

      Yay! Happy! That about sums things up :)
      Thanks Sue xoxo

  • Gail
    Posted at 21:07h, 01 August Reply

    So glad you are feeling better!

    This photo has the WOW factor for me. I think you did a fantabulous job on it. The color and light here is magical.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:15h, 01 August Reply

      Thanks Gail! I’m so relieved to be feeling better too!

  • Erin
    Posted at 22:30h, 01 August Reply

    I’m glad to see you back, girlfriend. It’s been way too long since I’ve seen you post anything (although I haven’t been around — the catering biz was too “bizzy” in July! I am so glad it’s over!
    <3 you!

  • Barbara S.
    Posted at 00:07h, 02 August Reply

    Welcome back! Love this photo – your tickseed is much prettier than mine!!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:27h, 02 August Reply

      I have the yellow too! I love tickseed :)

  • Gwen
    Posted at 02:09h, 02 August Reply

    I’m glad you’re back. Cause you’re taking pictures and walking around. That’s a good thing. :) And I totally dig this image, definitely a fun processing on it too. Lots of bright colors, totally loving it.

    • janice
      Posted at 12:28h, 02 August Reply

      Thanks, girl!

  • Amber
    Posted at 09:45h, 02 August Reply

    glad you are back! major surgery is hard to come back from. Glad to hear you are doing better, and I love the photo!

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 14:24h, 02 August Reply

    I can so totally relate! I can sit for WAY too long playing in PSE. Love the final result and glad you’re back on your feet again!

    • janice
      Posted at 14:36h, 05 August Reply

      Oh man, sometimes I can sit for hours!

  • Bobbi Jo
    Posted at 11:35h, 04 August Reply

    Love it – even the yellow greens! They add to the warm sunshiney feeling. Glad you’re up and around :)

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