Yeah, it's Wordless Wednesday (which I usually welcome with open arms for the opportunity to shut my mouth) but Miss Jillsy Girl has gone and started a new weekly prompt, One Word Wednesday. I think I can handle one word. Maybe. (I'm rarely completely wordless on wednesdays anyway...

Growing up, my Mom always warned me to stay away from the fuzzy caterpillars.  They're poisonous, she'd tell me. I always laughed. Turns out, some of them actually are! And today is the first time I ever bothered to actually check that out.  That's just sad. Let me tell...

If I were keeping with the current Wednesday trend around here, you'd be looking at a shot of the magnolia bud right now. You know what? That magnolia bud still looks the same.  Nothing happening there.  A little bigger is all. I took a shot of it anyway,...