autumn begins {265/365}

Yeah, it’s Wordless Wednesday (which I usually welcome with open arms for the opportunity to shut my mouth) but Miss Jillsy Girl has gone and started a new weekly prompt, One Word Wednesday.

I think I can handle one word.


(I’m rarely completely wordless on wednesdays anyway … there’s usually at least two or twenty)

The one word for today is ‘crisp’.

Being it’s the first day of Autumn, I thought this was fitting …

autumn begins 265/365

Crisp fall leaves.  Love.

Autumn is my very favourite time of year. And this won’t be the last shot of Autumn colours you’ll see around these parts. In a week or two you might very well be sick of my fall photos. I tend to go a little snap-happy :)

autumn begins - from day 265

Did you know that tonight is also a Harvest Moon?  It’s rare that the Harvest Moon and the Autumn(al) Equinox occur on the same day.  From what I’ve been reading, it hasn’t happened since 1991 and likely won’t occur again for another twenty or so years.

Regardless of the date (or because of?) it’s a gorgeous moon tonight.

Grab your camera ;)

Finally, today also marks day 265 of my (and many of you guys!) little project.  Wow.  Do we kick ass or what?

Only one hundred days left.

That makes me oddly sad.

(I have a plan in the works though .. more about that later-later)

Now see?  With all of that going on today, how could I remain Wordless?  Impossible.  heh.

Happy (confused) Wednesday :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • kelly
    Posted at 00:19h, 23 September Reply

    gorgeous shots…and I love the name of your blog!
    but now you’ve made me realize that that means there are less then 100 days til christmas…:)

    • janice
      Posted at 00:23h, 23 September Reply

      never thought of that.
      LOL :)

  • geneil
    Posted at 08:03h, 23 September Reply

    Now see, your leaves are way nicer looking than ours… ours look all shriveled and diseased. We are in a drought here (in more ways than one)! very pretty shots.

  • Tug
    Posted at 15:58h, 23 September Reply

    Love the bokeh & the colors on these!

  • jillsy
    Posted at 17:25h, 23 September Reply

    Very crisp!!! Love it! and thanks so much for joining in! Sorry it took me so long to get here, but we have out of town guests at the moment and computer time is limited. I haven’t even had time to post my pre-written post for today (which by the way is also a leaf!). I’ll go do that now.


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