I've been crazy busy and missing futzing around (yes that's a word, hush) with my shots. My love of textures never goes away. With this shot though, it looks like the texture has totally taken over the photo, but no, that's just me screwing up....

I've been neglecting a lot of my groups and prompts lately, for no other reason than a lack of time. Today, because the lovely Maureen has christened it Purple Tuesday forevermore, I deliberately sought out something PURPLE! (like all flippin' day) (I cursed a bit) (not at Maureen, just y'know, in general...

So many beautiful Fall colours to be had outside, and it's absolutely pouring buckets out there. ugh. I tried, too. Several times today, in fact. The rain would let up a bit, and then I swear, come pouring down again as soon as I set foot outside...