28 Sep oh m’gosh! {271/365}
So many beautiful Fall colours to be had outside, and it’s absolutely pouring buckets out there.
I tried, too. Several times today, in fact. The rain would let up a bit, and then I swear, come pouring down again as soon as I set foot outside my car. Conspiracy, I say.
This morning there was gorgeous fog and bright orange and red trees. Postcard perfect.
And pouring rain.
This afternoon I saw turkeys, twice no less, in two different fields on opposite ends of town. Wild turkeys. They’re quite weird looking.
No long lens with me. Bummer.
And? rain.
And on my way home from work, a Mama deer and her baby bounded across the road right in front of me. So gorgeous.
(thankfully I was driving relatively slow and they had plenty of room)
This time, not so much rain. Just really fast deer.
So what do I have for you?
Nail polish :)
Gosh Polish.
(two textures from the talented and generous Paree Erica. thank you!)
You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
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Posted at 20:56h, 28 SeptemberIt’s purple.
It’s polish.
It’s pretty bold and I say that you have such an eye!!!
Great shot!
Posted at 22:24h, 28 Septemberawww thanks Sue :)
Posted at 09:05h, 29 Septemberi can totally empathize….the other night we had to pick my mom up at the airport, miserable, awful stormy weather. First time in ages I decided not to take my trusty camera along – I mean how can one take good photos inside a car on a dark stormy late afternoon -right? Well, wouldn’t you know it…on the airport side of town it ended up being right on the back end of the front. Half the sky was black as night and the other was a magnificent array of different leveled clouds all illuminated by the sun. As each minute passed, the sky changed a bazillion colors and then came the most glorious sunset of golds. And then the real topper was the biggest and brightest rainbow I have EVER seen right in front of us on the highway. It looked like we were going into OZ!!!!!!!! I was sick, I tell ya! No camera.
So, your choice of nail polish is brilliant!
Posted at 17:07h, 29 SeptemberLMAO!!! omg so believable.
I rarely leave the house without mine anymore, but never fails, the odd time I do? yep. Something spectacular.
Funny though. Kinda ;)
Posted at 18:17h, 29 SeptemberOh, you are too funny and your pictures are beautiful! I’m so glad I found you through the blog share thread at Mortal Muses – Everyday Beauty!
Posted at 18:45h, 29 SeptemberYay! Pull up a chair and stay awhile!
and bring coffee please ;)
Posted at 16:52h, 02 OctoberI keep an umbrella in my car, but that doesn’t always work either – especially trying to hold it & snap pics. :-/
Love the tone of this & the textures though!