Before I'd even had my first cup of coffee this morning, Ms. Katrina told me I should look for some light today. So I did just that, while my coffee brewed. Love, love, LOVE that crazy sunflare. (taken with my Canon) Being a part of a 365 group...

I just love some delicious window light. I don't know what it is about items on a windowsill that appeals to me so much. And I swear, one of these days I will have a big, beautiful window overlooking my kitchen sink, filled with potted...

In my love affair with natural light, I'm often hard-pressed to decide which I like best - morning light or evening? Both equally beautiful, evening light is soft, romantic, dreamy. Morning light, while still holding those same qualities, is simply chock full of promise. The...

As I mentioned in the link up, when I decided that this week's prompt would be "the elements", I swear Mama Nature looked down on me and had a good ol' giggle. We've gone from sweaters, to t-shirts, to parkas and back again this week....