Warning - photo heavy post ahead. I took SO many photos this past Saturday, it took me forever to weed through them all. I hate when that happens, but I couldn't help myself - I love street photography. I'm not going to lie though, it does...

I took a lot of photos this week, but this is the one I'm sharing. My two guys, raising a glass on Father's Day. Love that. *taken with iPhone _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on...

It's funny, you would think that seeing how I come up with the prompts each week for focus52, it would be easy for me to also come up with the photographs to match. Right? Yeah, not so much. Most weeks, the prompts are just as much a...

I took a few predictable sunset shots this week, and quickly grew bored with them. So I decided to practice my night photography skills (sadly lacking!) and thought that one of the laneways downtown was pretty interesting subject matter ...