Our focus52 prompt this week is purely photography driven. If your project is not about photography, I'm fairly confident that with a little creative thinking, you can still use this prompt if you choose to (think 'blur') This week, it's all about * bokeh * (click to define) Bokeh...

I love December nights when the tree is lit, my house is warm and the snow falling outside of my windows blankets everything in a soft hush. I love this time of year :) --------------------------------------------------------------- You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr...

I recently came across a group on flickr, Worm's Eye View Sundays. (told you there's a group for everything - if you see it in your lens, there's a group for it, count on it .. LOL) Anyways, when the leaves started falling around here a few...

For sure I'd flunk out of photography101 with this shot, but there was just way too much cool stuff going on with this to toss it out. Some leaky light along the bottom, a bit of sun flare, funky multi-coloured bokeh ...

This shot is technically wrong in so many ways. And I'm completely in love with it in so many ways :) It's reminding me of something, but I can't put my finger on it. Any ideas? I didn't expect to get such yummyness from a bottle of nailpolish, that's...