Day 8 of Picture The Holidays, and today we were challenged to find a reflecting point of view. From this morning's email, Reflective surfaces can be creative muses in your photography. There is no way of knowing exactly how the reflection will translate. Shoot something in a reflective...

Today's challenge was to open your eyes to the little things around us. The things that often go unnoticed. You all know I love doing that :) From Picture The Holidays: Begin this day with eyes wide open to the tiny wonders that are constantly swirling all around...

Pretty self-explanatory, right? PICTURE THE HOLIDAYS with Tracy Clark and Paper Coterie: 31 days of seasonal photo prompts to inspire your creativity. Find out more here. This post is a portion of my focus52 project, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Visit or join the focus52 flickr group here....

From Picture The Holidays: What helps you to slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment? Capture it! Tools for peace of mind can consist of anything. Maybe it's reading a few pages of your favorite book or just some cleansing exhales that help...