16 Feb 365 catch-up
Well, more than a little bit of February – almost half, actually. While I’ve been faithfully posting daily to instagram and flickr, I’ve been neglecting my little space here.
Part of the reason for this is that I have a few plans for this space. A re-design, re-concept, what-have-you … but it’s still very much in the beginning stages. Typically me, when I’m cooking up an idea, I lose interest in the current idea already running and operating just fine. I’ve already moved on, so to speak.
So … one big photo-bomb update, coming up! (my apologies … ooopsies)
Whew! and there it is – half a month of photos. Some iPhone, some not. And all moments that I want to remember, no matter how small.
Do you blog your photos? Do you have a system that works for you? Share!
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!
She Who Carries Camera
Posted at 17:59h, 16 FebruaryI love Feb. 3, 11 & 13 and of course 15!
Posted at 18:32h, 16 Februaryhey YOU!!! Where the heck have you been hiding?
LOVE your new site. And so nice to see you!