fuzzy {245/365}

Growing up, my Mom always warned me to stay away from the fuzzy caterpillars.  They’re poisonous, she’d tell me.

I always laughed.

fuzzy 245/365

Turns out, some of them actually are!

And today is the first time I ever bothered to actually check that out.  That’s just sad.

Let me tell you … there are a lot of weirdass caterpillars out there.  Googling ‘poisonous caterpillars‘ brings you to some really bizarre images.

One word – ick.

I swear I hear my Mom Itoldyouso-ing me.


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  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 23:58h, 02 September Reply

    i was lookin at your picture with my head tilted, lip curled and nose scrunched lol. not because its a bad pic (great focus btw) but bugs…. uggg and your right he is a fuzzy little guy. i will take your moms advice and stay the hell away from them! its crazy how you can make a caterpillar look good!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:33h, 03 September Reply

      Did you look at the google images? For sure, your face will be all kinds of scrunched. LOL!

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 20:43h, 03 September Reply

    I usually don’t like creepy crawly things, but you made this one look pretty.

  • Tug
    Posted at 16:12h, 05 September Reply

    I love the DOF & the bright shot of yellow on this!

    (Mamas are *always* right, don’tcha know – lol)

    • janice
      Posted at 17:19h, 05 September Reply

      Yep. LOL! I just always thought she was putting me on :)

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