sunset drives

5 on 5: Summertime Blues

About the 5 on 5 Project: Post five photos on the fifth of each month – a no pressure project with like-minded photo friends. No rules and no themes, just tell a story with some favourite photos from the previous month, and link to the next photographer in line. Easy and pressure-free. Enjoy!

and greens, and pinks, and purples …


oh, hello summer.

I’ve been too busy enjoying the heat and life in general that I turned around the other day and it was August. August! 

How in the world did that happen.

Summer has an annoying habit of flying by much too quickly.

June is always a whirlwind of activity around here with birthdays and anniversaries and general summertime fun. This year was no exception. Husband and I celebrated our 11th anniversary quietly BBQ’ing everything in sight and stuffing ourselves silly with roasted beast and chocolate. He turned another year older and collected some Father’s Day gifts as well. June is a pretty good month for him.

And my girl. Well, she went and turned 21.
Nobody said she was allowed to do that.

Happy 21!
When all you really want for your birthday is some fabulous perfume. And cash. Cash is good too.

The hurried June days gave way to July. I turned lazy in the heat, not venturing too far from home.

And my garden grew luscious.

Bridal Wreath Sprirea, late June. Confetti for everyone!
mornings in the garden
Clematis vines in the morning light. A cup of coffee, and I'm all set.

My girl was taking a few classes in the City, and I was happy for the time spent with her. Toronto is always fabulous. Almost fabulous enough to make me want to move back there.

You had me at patio lights.
I love this face.

It hasn’t rained much, but when it did, I was happy to curl up on the couch, listen to the raindrops hitting my windows and just relax. There’s been a LOT of relaxing going on around here.

summer tables capes
Mason jars, lemons, lilacs, succulents, some reclaimed wood ... It's like pinterest barfed all over my table. And I love it.

In between all of this I did a few other things,

Bought a new-to-me 2014 Honda Civic Coupe and I looooooove her.
Packed up our entire work office and moved it to my side of town. I’m closer to work and our new space is spacious and full of light.
Slapped a new roof on our house.
Shot a prom session with a fantastically cute couple.
Two words – RIB FEST. Deeeeelicious. And a visit from northern friends. Awesome.
Tuned up my bicycle and actually got on the damn thing. I do love biking.
Had visits from various family members.
Enjoyed a few backyard fires.

And sunsets. Always, sunsets.

sunset walks
After dinner walks at dusk. Food for my soul.

My good friend Maureen is up next, showcasing her favourites for this month’s 5 on 5.  I’d LOVE it if you would go stop by her blog and show her some love. She’s an amazing person and a talented photographer, crafter and entrepreneur.

Go. Now.

  • Lianne
    Posted at 07:36h, 05 August Reply

    THE CLARITY of these gorgeous photos. I’m glad you included more than 5 because I love them ALL. I can’t choose a favourite as each just lifts my spirits. Happy summer!

    • Jan
      Posted at 09:49h, 05 August Reply

      Thanks Lianne! All iPhone the past two months. Lazeeeeeee me!
      And yes, I cheated a bit and combined June and July since I missed June altogether. Whatever works!

  • Stephanie Smith
    Posted at 07:40h, 05 August Reply

    1st off: Happy Anniversary on 21 years of MOtherhood! 2nd: I am in awe of how you get such beautiful images of simple, everyday things. I am inspired to photograph the things around me now! Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    • Jan
      Posted at 09:51h, 05 August Reply

      Thanks! It’s fun to look back at the end of the year and see everything you’ve done and the people you shared it with :)

  • Sandra
    Posted at 08:13h, 05 August Reply

    Beautiful summer impressions. I really love your city shots with all the patio lights. Cheers to 21 years as a moter and happy birthday for your girl, she’s beautiful!

    • Jan
      Posted at 09:54h, 05 August Reply

      It hardly seems like 21 years! A cliche, but time sure does fly by much too quickly!

      • Sandra
        Posted at 13:30h, 05 August Reply

        you are absolutely right. can’t believe I am in this motherhood thing for half a decade now.

  • Kris McNeil
    Posted at 09:11h, 05 August Reply

    What a gorgeous summer you’re having! Your daughter is a gorgeous. (My boys are 19 and 22 now, so I’m totally in your boat, sister.) “Pinterest barfed all over my table.” Hah! <3

    • Jan
      Posted at 09:55h, 05 August Reply

      Right? How dare they grow up! LOL
      Pinterest cracks me up most of the time but I sure do get caught up there!

  • kim thompson steel
    Posted at 16:35h, 05 August Reply

    Your captions are almost as good as your amazingly gorgeous photos. (and amazingly gorgeous daughter) xx

    • Jan
      Posted at 09:23h, 06 August Reply

      Thanks Kim! Hope you’re feeling better!

  • maureen
    Posted at 10:30h, 06 August Reply

    That sunset. *sigh* Nothing beats an epic summer sunset. You have such a talent for capturing the everyday, beautifully. (I am reminded of one of your early 365s about the time I ‘met’ you. It was so inspiring! You make it look easy. It is not.) Perhaps it’s Canada? Your garden is lovely, your sunsets are epic, and your daughter is simply stunning. I’m with you though, summers are too dang short, looks like you have enjoyed this one about as much as possible. xo

    • janice
      Posted at 09:49h, 21 August Reply

      Summer isn’t over until I say it’s over. LOL
      Thanks so much, Maureen! Your comments and encouragement kept me going with that first 365! xoxo

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