it’s all perspective {15/52}

errr… relative.


Being confined to the house this week, busy recuperating and catching up on some TV (gawd, I don’t want to see TV for awhile) I was limited in subjects to shoot for this week’s prompt, ‘perspective’. Luckily for me, my loving friends and family kept sending in the flowers, so I had all sorts of smily floral faces to choose from :)

I couldn’t resist the gerberas.

gerbera perspectives

Always such a willing subject.

Out of all of them, I think this one is my favorite …

it's all perspective

An accidental shot, really. I love the surprise of an accidental shot.

The re-broken belly couldn’t quite cope with a ‘down low’ perspective.
Something about the crouching.

Thank you all for your well wishes, this week and last. I’m on the mend :)


2012! are you in?

Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • Geneil
    Posted at 16:50h, 14 April Reply

    They’re all gorgeous Jan. Love gerberas.

    BTW, thanks for taking me back–tail between my legs. I know I’m a lame Focus52er. But you’ve probably noticed by now that I’m subject to periods of drought in my photography projects. I’m gsbreeze on Instagram. I’ll look you up there.

    • janice
      Posted at 18:12h, 14 April Reply

      I love them too. One of my favorite flowers :)
      and we’re all subject to droughts! You’ve been a busy woman with the paintbrush!

    • lynn
      Posted at 18:35h, 14 April Reply

      Genell? As long as I’m around (not participating), YOU’RE not a lame Focus52er. Haha! Things have been too crazy for me this year, but I like to watch everyone else’s go up. : )

  • Susana
    Posted at 18:08h, 14 April Reply

    I love them all! Very feminine and a perfect illustration of the subject at hand!

    • janice
      Posted at 18:12h, 14 April Reply

      Thanks Susana :)

  • lynn
    Posted at 18:37h, 14 April Reply

    So very pretty. I don’t know if I could pick a favorite. I love them all!

    • janice
      Posted at 18:44h, 14 April Reply

      Thanks Lynn!
      I’m giggling at your response to Geneil ;)

  • Laurie
    Posted at 19:56h, 14 April Reply

    These flowers are gourgeous. I agree with you on your favorite. A ‘happy accident’!
    Sounds like you are recuperating. Continue on the mend…..

    • janice
      Posted at 10:48h, 15 April Reply

      Thanks Laurie :)

  • Paula
    Posted at 19:59h, 14 April Reply

    I love these and they’re a favorite of mine as well! They really do make me smile!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:48h, 15 April Reply

      Me too! Fresh flowers in the house are always such a pick-me-up, aren’t they?

  • Gwen
    Posted at 01:09h, 15 April Reply

    Oh, I love it!!!!! I’m glad that you’re taking it easy, and your perspective is just beautiful. :) (I hope my perspective makes you laugh, I’m getting it in before the linky closes this time!)

    • janice
      Posted at 10:49h, 15 April Reply

      ha! Good girl ;)

      • Lynn
        Posted at 12:14h, 15 April Reply

        : D

  • Andrea
    Posted at 13:18h, 16 April Reply

    Your favorite is my favorite, too! :) I love Gerbera daisies.

    • janice
      Posted at 16:15h, 17 April Reply

      They’re such a happy flower ;)

  • marina sorr.
    Posted at 08:03h, 17 April Reply

    I am very happy to know that you are healing! I hope that you can keep feeling better every day.
    and this is such a beautiful series, Janice!! I love those pinks and the light and get very happy for the surprises of accidental shots, as well. yours is wonderful!

    • janice
      Posted at 16:15h, 17 April Reply

      Thanks so much Marina!

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