focus52 april 24 to april 30

Happy Easter, everybody! I’m watching your Easter images (and others!) slowly come trickling in and I’m loving each and every one of them. Don’t forget that you’re able to continue with the Easter prompt (or whatever you’re doing) until tomorrow, Monday April 25th and link ups for last week are open until late into Monday night both here and on flickr.

(I still don’t have my own in, so yeah, take your time … heh)

(edit: oh yes I doooo! LOL)

Moving into this week, our last week of April, the focus52 prompt is …


* April Showers *


Easy enough for our writers, but photographers? don’t automatically get stumped and think “omg but what if it doesn’t rain?! omg!” and lose your minds. Think outside of the box for this one and see what you come up with. There are many different ways to take this prompt.

Also? A spray water bottle can be most handy :)

Now excuse me while I post and run. There’s a delicious looking ham in the oven that needs my attention. Yum!

Keep those Easter posts coming!


Wondering what this is all about? One project a week for 52 weeks, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Get all of the info here and visit or join the focus52 flickr group here.

  • geneil
    Posted at 08:33h, 25 April Reply

    Not rain here in Indianapolis? Not likely. We are so waterlogged… I just might have to follow the the prompt this week :)

    • janice
      Posted at 08:35h, 25 April Reply

      Ha! I know, right?
      Spring seems to be a little late everywhere this year. I figured we’re all kind of in the same boat.

  • Hannah
    Posted at 11:07h, 25 April Reply

    Haha, I love that! “omg! But what if it doesn’t rain! omg!” =) But I don’t think there’s any danger of that… this last week was g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s sunshine, but there’s rain forcasted until Saturday. Perfect! =)

    • janice
      Posted at 22:18h, 25 April Reply

      hehee! Have fun! :D

  • saintseester
    Posted at 13:29h, 27 April Reply

    I am sitting here right now, surrounded by hailstorms and tornados, camera in hand, trigger finger ready. I am going to have no problem with this prompt.

    • janice
      Posted at 18:38h, 27 April Reply

      Should I have added a “STAY SAFE” disclaimer to my post? ;)

  • Alison
    Posted at 22:46h, 27 April Reply

    lol Showers! Well, you asked for it! They say it’s snowing out right now, but I don’t want to admit it’s true so I’m just not going to look. I think you must be some kind of an evil closet meteorologist…

    • janice
      Posted at 00:18h, 28 April Reply

      Right?! It’s a gift, I swear.
      But seriously … SNOW???
      omg …

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 00:30h, 28 April Reply

    I only wish i had a difficult time finding April showers.
    every stinkin’ day for WEEKS!!!
    thunderstorms, hail, tornados
    BAH! I got your rain sister.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:13h, 28 April Reply

      sistah!!! LOL!
      This comment totally made me giggle :)

  • Gwen
    Posted at 22:34h, 28 April Reply

    yeah, I thought of you and your prompt today, as we had a huge area wide tornado watch, peppered with warnings, and just LOTS of rain. ;) I got out a big umbrella, and took a bunch of photos. good thing it was a warm rain. ;)

    • janice
      Posted at 20:20h, 01 May Reply

      LOL! Be careful!!!

  • Elizabeth Crocker
    Posted at 20:17h, 01 May Reply

    I have been out of the loop this week & now I can’t find where we link up. My father in law is in his last hours of life, maybe a day or two. I have been distracted, but I do have an image to post. I know Texas is 6 hrs behind the schedule for this group, so I guess I missed the deadline. Sorry.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:20h, 01 May Reply

      You didn’t miss any deadline hon. You can still post until Monday.
      If you click the focus52 icon in the sidebar, that will always bring you to the latest post for f52. On the weekends, it’s usually the link up.

      I’m so sorry to hear about your father in law :(

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