green [11/52]

Totally late with my post this week, but not my photos! I had way too much fun driving around on St Paddy’s Day to miss this week’s focus52 prompt, ‘green’.

The first stop I made was at my girlfriend’s restaurant, where I made her pour me a green beer. I took a few photos, but I liked this one best, with it’s hint of sunlight and the view from my side of the bar.

When I was done, she asks me “do you want this?” with a look on her face that says she already knows the answer. You can keep your green beer, woman. It’s only pretty to look at.

Heading home, down one of the downtown back streets, I spotted these two hanging out, getting their green on.

I pretty much stopped traffic, jumping out of my car to catch these guys. “Hey! can I take your picture?” I yelled. “Do you know my wife?” one of them answered.


Next stop was the nursery, where I couldn’t resist a pretty potted shamrock.

Such a cute little plant. And it’s still alive, three days later. Has to be some sort of luck involved there. heh. Couldn’t resist some texture work here either, with a couple of gorgeous ones from Kim Klassen.
Thanks Kim!

Finally? A fitting end to St Paddy’s Day …

They’re magically delicious, y’know.

Actually, they were. I love Lucky Charms.

And that was my day. A far cry from my days of slinging beer and coming home with green colored hands. Times sure have changed!

And thank goodness for that :)


Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 00:36h, 21 March Reply

    girl, looks like you had a fun day.
    really love that green beer shot, you caught the light perfectly.
    heh. i’m with you. i’ll pass on drinking any of that.
    Lucky Charms? i must confess, i’ve never eaten them in my life. I’ll take your word for it.
    hope all that traveling around means you are feeling better.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:45h, 21 March Reply

      MUCH better, thank goodness. Geez that went on forever, it seemed! blech.
      Lucky charms – a bowl of total sugar. LOL ;)

  • Beyond the Dog Dish
    Posted at 00:44h, 21 March Reply

    OH Creemore Beer!! We used to have a farm in Creemore – what a surprise to see this. Your colouring in these photos are fantastic!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:58h, 21 March Reply

      It’s a beautiful area!

  • Nancy
    Posted at 06:20h, 21 March Reply

    haha! love the Lucky Charms, excellent idea, and I would have taken a picture of those guys too! How funny!

    • janice
      Posted at 07:46h, 21 March Reply

      They were really good sports.
      And really didn’t know what to make of me. LOL!

  • saintseester
    Posted at 08:20h, 21 March Reply

    Now I want some Lucky Charms, too. Love the green beer shot, it’s my fave of the bunch.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:44h, 24 March Reply

      Ha! I hadn’t had them in ages!
      They didn’t last too long ;)

  • Gail
    Posted at 11:40h, 21 March Reply

    That green beer is pretty, but I wouldn’t have drunk it either. So many great photos for your Green prompt! It’s fun seeing all of them.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:45h, 24 March Reply

      I haven’t gotten through everybody’s yet, but I’m loving all the greens here and in the flickr pool!

  • barbara
    Posted at 15:13h, 21 March Reply

    What fun pictures! Love the one of the beer – beautiful bokeh!

    • janice
      Posted at 21:45h, 24 March Reply

      Thanks Barbara!

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 15:37h, 21 March Reply

    Great photos! What a way to celebrate.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:46h, 24 March Reply

      It was a fun day. Although it felt like I was probably the only one in town the next day without a hangover. LOL! What a great feeling! :)

  • Rachel
    Posted at 05:29h, 22 March Reply

    What a great lot of green-ness! Though isn’t beer gross enough without making it green?

    • janice
      Posted at 21:47h, 24 March Reply

      I like a cold beer on a hot summer day, but other than that, meh.

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:18h, 24 March Reply

    Great pics as always J, love the light on the green beer & the guys are just FUN.

    Did you know newbies can actually change the taste of the beer dumping tons of green food coloring in trying to make it bright green? Use blue, yellow & blue make green, duh. ;-)

    • janice
      Posted at 22:26h, 24 March Reply

      Ha! We were always made to use green. How strange!

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