beautifully aged [9/52]

There’s nothing I like better than taking an everyday photo and transforming it into something special with a few beautiful textures. So for this week’s focus52 prompt, ‘aged’, I did just that …

I plucked a few flowers out of my still thriving birthday bouquet (sent all the way from Florida from my girl, Cher! love her) and arranged them in a vintage glassware piece (origins totally unknown). A few textures later and I have something entirely different than the photo that came out of  my camera, even though I kept the effects fairly subtle and light.

Using textures is one of my very favorite things to do with photos.

What about you? Do you have a favorite post-processing technique?

Textures from Kim Klassen and Tammy Lee Bradley. Thank you, ladies!


Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • Nancy
    Posted at 08:28h, 06 March Reply

    beautiful shots, and i love that vase! the texture looks beautiful. editing is my favorite part of photography. i could sit for hours and work on one photo, until i get what i like.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:53h, 06 March Reply

      I love it too, although sometimes it can be totally frustrating. LOL!

  • lucy
    Posted at 08:45h, 06 March Reply

    love to use textures, and kim and tammy are SO generous with theirs — the folks who post their free textures to the “textures for layers” group on flickr are fantastic — from subtle to in-your-face wonderfulness. i like your light and airy use of the textures here.

    i got my 15 minutes of fame from my texture work! …and now it’s back to real life. :)

    • janice
      Posted at 09:52h, 06 March Reply

      Lucy that is FANTASTIC!!!
      I just facebook’d and twitter’d that awesome article all over the place :D
      WAY TO GO!

  • tricia
    Posted at 11:21h, 06 March Reply

    lovely flowers and beautiful…like really beautiful vase!! :)

    • janice
      Posted at 11:28h, 06 March Reply

      Thanks hon!
      Now get your photos in here, y’slacker ;)

  • hootnonny
    Posted at 12:41h, 06 March Reply

    Truly lovely image! I too love textures. My favorite editing method is monkey see, monkey do.
    Hope you’re all well now!

    • janice
      Posted at 13:01h, 06 March Reply

      Thanks hon, getting there!

  • Geneil
    Posted at 19:31h, 06 March Reply

    so pretty. That vase is amazing. I like using textures, but mostly I’m too impatient… I thought this year since I’m not doing the 365 I would spend more time experimenting with processing, but seems it’s all I can do to get my photos downloaded off the camera and basic editing done these days. I hope you’re feeling better.

    • janice
      Posted at 19:56h, 06 March Reply

      Thanks girl. But you really should set aside some time to learn them just a bit. This photo? Layered three textures, flattened and done. Honestly. No other post processing at all. Under ten minutes, tops.
      Bite the bullet. You’ll love it :)

      I’m feeling a bit better. 80%? hehe :)
      Thanks for asking, girlfriend.

  • maureen
    Posted at 00:46h, 07 March Reply

    I love the processing you did on these, soft and subtle. I am totally lovin that pale, soft, dreamy look.
    and, um, hello. my name is maureen and i’m a texture addict.
    i would sit and play all day long with textures if i could.
    glad you are on the mend,
    have a great week

    • janice
      Posted at 09:32h, 07 March Reply

      I know, right? Totally addictive :)

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:12h, 07 March Reply

    Love it J, I like how soft they are. I’m more into actions than textures lately, but I think it’s because I haven’t played with textures enough; it’s on my ‘list’. ;-)

    • janice
      Posted at 22:31h, 07 March Reply

      Be careful, you’ll get hooked :)

      • Tug
        Posted at 22:47h, 07 March Reply

        I wish I had the time & brain power to get hooked. :-/

  • CP
    Posted at 23:44h, 07 March Reply

    Awww…those were part of your birthday flowers? I’m so excited! I got to be a part of your creative process! Yay! Those are peruvian lilies, one of my favorite smaller flowers. And yes, I know it was YOUR birthday and you should have gotten YOUR favorite flower…but when have you ever known me to not be self centered and make it all about me? LOL

    But, they are pink…in a tribute to the lovely pinkness of my blog, created by YOU!

    (Okay, so pink is my favorite color, too. Again, it’s all about me. But I’m all about YOU…so does that count??) LOL

    Love the photo…love! And the vase is exquisite. You have such a gift, Jan. How you see things and simply transform them into other things is so out of my grasp. I love when you post before/after type shots…showing what the actual object was and then, what you have transformed it into. Those are my favorite pics that you do. I am always mesmerized by you photographers that can take the simplest object and turn it into something completely different and evoke entirely different emotions in doing so.

    *frowns* I haven’t mastered that yet. But I’m trying.

    I can, however, say “where is the bathroom” in four different languages. Does that count?

    • janice
      Posted at 00:00h, 08 March Reply

      Girl, there were pinks and creams and violet/pink and fuschias … it was glorious!!!
      I took a few shots of the original arrangement for you, just have to find and post them still :)
      I loved them.
      I love you!

      PS – yes, that counts :)

  • Robin
    Posted at 10:05h, 08 March Reply

    I came across some new ps actions that I am IN LOVE WITH and you can see them in my recent boudoir pictures.

    • janice
      Posted at 15:29h, 08 March Reply

      Cool! Who from?

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