an apple a day {294/365}


Sometimes one thing sets you off.  One little idea or sighting or prompt, and you’re grabbing your camera.

And then sometimes it’s a combination of a whole lot of ideas and sightings and prompts, all jumbled up and tossed together, that give you your final works.

The leaf on this apple inspired me to add to my collection of fruity shots …

an apple a day 294/365

Katrina’s post today inspired the out-of-the-box crop (although she was talking about halloween shots, no matter) which I would never have thought of.   Sometimes, less of your subject is more. And doing that tied me into …

Vicki at Simply Hue, who had a (short-lived) theme up, challenging you to step outside of your comfort zone.  It stuck with me, even though she decided to change it up.  Square crops (and the afore mentioned out-of-the-box crop) are definitely out of my comfort zone.  I’ve no idea why – I love the look of them (when somebody else does it).

A few textures from Jerry’s square collection, blended and messed with, and there you have it.

Inspired :)

Here’s where I started (straight out of camera):


Thinking out of the box and getting out of my comfort zone?

I like it.

I’m going to do it more often, I think.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Katrina Kennedy
    Posted at 22:56h, 21 October Reply

    Glad I could inspire you! It is an AMAZING shot, the texture just takes it over the top! Well done!

    • janice
      Posted at 23:03h, 21 October Reply

      Thanks Katrina! Loved your little guy’s costume shot :)

  • june
    Posted at 07:38h, 22 October Reply

    That’s how growth happens – going outside your comfort zone. Stretch!!! Excellent shot.

  • Jamie
    Posted at 14:31h, 22 October Reply

    Wow – stepping outside your norm really worked well here. Beautiful

    • janice
      Posted at 16:38h, 25 October Reply

      Thanks Jamie! I really had fun :)

  • katrina
    Posted at 21:23h, 25 October Reply

    i bought some textures @ flypaper texture a couple of months ago. i’ve forgotten about it until now. seeing your beautiful photo has reignited by excitement for textures on photos.

    lovely lovely pic!

    • janice
      Posted at 23:09h, 25 October Reply

      Check out Jerry’s textures. They’re absolutely gorgeous.

  • Tavia
    Posted at 22:49h, 25 October Reply

    I went & looked at your apple picture again & never noticed your blog prompt to see the before. I am so glad I did! I so agree with your post!! I’m not a creative cropper at all! Thanks for uplifting my 365 funk :) Great before & after!

    • janice
      Posted at 23:13h, 25 October Reply

      Thanks girl!
      I always link them up. There’s usually something *somewhat* interesting over here.
      Or not.

  • Ellen
    Posted at 12:06h, 03 September Reply

    I found your blog post through Mortal Muses and I love the way you treated this image. I absolutely love it!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:10h, 04 September Reply

      Thank you, Ellen!

  • Jessica -- living in a still life
    Posted at 18:16h, 04 September Reply

    Wow! I love the partial crop into the apple! It works so well as do the lovely textures!! Nice job! Another visitor from the Muses link up…. : )

    • janice
      Posted at 20:47h, 04 September Reply

      Thanks! I have a slight texture-addiction problem ;)
      They’re too fun!

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