sunny {238/365}

It’s that time of year again!


I love sunflowers :)

This was taken in my livingroom, in front of a window to blow out the background a bit (although I had a little TOO much blowout) and using my lightscoop. Elizabeth Halford, the genius woman that she is, has this tutorial on her site all about whitening and brightening a not-quite-right background using lightroom adjustment brushes.  This is the third time I’ve tried it and omg I love her and her tutorials.

(she’s also a very nice woman who took the time to answer what turned out to be a really duh question from me … thanks girl!)

I then put one of my cloud textures on top of my (now) crisp white background, masked out the sunflower, and voila.

WHY on earth would I want to do all that?

I left things to the last minute and the sun had already almost set.


PS – next time you’re out and about and see some nice fluffy clouds? Snap a few shots. They come in handy :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 00:29h, 27 August Reply

    Why aren’t you selling this stuff, Jan? Really?

    • janice
      Posted at 00:33h, 27 August Reply

      Lack of confidence? ;)

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 19:44h, 27 August Reply


  • Bernie Tuffs
    Posted at 17:12h, 28 August Reply

    LOVE this shot! If I had better software I’d attempt what you did, LOL! I did take some photos of clouds the other day coincidentally, LOL! This is beautiful, and you should indeed be selling your stuff! Also love the silhouette pic above!
    Bernie x

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:10h, 29 August Reply

    This? Beautiful, truly. ;-)

  • Maureen
    Posted at 21:13h, 01 September Reply

    it is beautiful, and suck it up girl, you are awesome, put yourself out there
    ♥ maureen

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