on my windowsill {126/365}

Told you I couldn’t wait to get some of these inside …


I freaked out and did a whole series of these shots.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them yet, but I love them.

I also fooled around with my new lightscoop, and used it for some soft fill light.  I love that thing.  For somebody like me who avoids using my flash like the plague, and can’t afford (or even know how to operate) ( or can’t even be bothered to care about at the moment) external flashes, this little baby kicks ass. Definitely makes indoor shots a lot easier, not to mention enjoyable.  And with this shot (and the whole laughingly huge series I shot), I didn’t have to worry about everything being underexposed from the backlighting through the window.  Win-win!

Best $40 I’ve spent in awhile :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Nicci
    Posted at 05:02h, 07 May Reply

    Very nice! Your pictures are always so soft.

    I avoid my flash at all costs! As a matter of fact, the pictures you have seen in my 365, never used a flashed.
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..#82 Two of these things are not like the others =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 08:28h, 07 May Reply

      Me either. Never, ever use it.
      Now? yay! Opens up so many more opportunities without having to mess with running around flipping on every single light I have and lugging around the little spotlight desklight I use in emergencies. LOL!

  • Sue
    Posted at 09:17h, 07 May Reply

    Gorgeous! I really love that you can see -everything- clearly without the glare of flash off of glass… It’s beautiful!

  • Solveig
    Posted at 19:06h, 07 May Reply

    Very nice!
    I never use the flash either. I’d love to learn about external flashes when I find the time and money and all that :)
    I actually have the lightscoop too, but I must admit that I never thought about using it in this way! Awesome!
    .-= Solveig´s last blog ..Day 127 =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 19:45h, 07 May Reply

      Have you used it with the settings they recommend?
      I haven’t.
      I didn’t want all that much light for this anyway, but I’m wondering what the difference would be.
      I’m lazy. I’ll get around to trying it out sooner or later. LOL!

  • Tug
    Posted at 19:54h, 07 May Reply

    Never heard of this lightscoop thingamabobby…will have to check out Amazon.

    Love the photo…very nice!
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Beast of Burden =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:20h, 07 May Reply

      Seriously T. I love it.

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