ripen {107/365}

What to do when it’s cold, rainy, dreary yucktastic weather?

You remember Amy’s new group and slap some tomatoes on your windowsill (of course!) …


Everything looks pretty in a windowsill.  Trust.

While you’re checking out Amy’s group (and really, why aren’t you?) you really have to take a look at her flickr stream too.  She’s fabulous.  Browse around and tell me that you don’t come away with at least thirty a few favorites.  Here’s one of mine.

In other news, it snowed today.

I am not pleased.

(it didn’t stick, it’s all gone, but still .. snow? yeesh)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 11:50h, 18 April Reply

    Yum. I’m just starting to learn how to love tomatoes. I grew up in a house that was tomato-divided – my mother loved them and my father hated them, and tried very, very hard to make my sister and I follow in his footsteps. I’m now learning the sadness in that particular bias.

    Sorry about the snow. It’s almost over, though. Forever … or a few months, anyway.
    .-= Leslie´s last blog ..Bravery : Washing Your Face … With Oil =-.

  • Lori Franz
    Posted at 17:42h, 18 April Reply

    Very lovely! Snow? Where do you live? Saskatchewan?

  • kim
    Posted at 00:32h, 21 April Reply

    Yikes! Snow??? I hate to tell you, but it’s been in the mid 80’s here. But don’t worry, you will hear me doing plenty of complaining in a couple of months when it’s over 100 every dang day!
    I took you advice and checked out Amy’s group and joined in while there. Looks like it will be a fun group.
    And as for this shot, it is awesome!! Love the tack sharpness of the tomatoes and the contrast of red against the soft curtains and wonderful window light!! Excellent!
    .-= kim´s last blog ..110/365 Hard Working Man =-.

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