BBQ chicken pizza {74/365}

Husband turned me onto this BBQ chicken pizza a few months back.  The first one was to die for.  Loved it.  Then we ordered again, and it was pretty saucy and ick, but still relatively good (even if you did sorta have to search for the actual CHICKEN, cheapskate pizza place).

And then he told me how much one pizza cost.

And I almost fainted.  heh.

So I thought to myself, I can make that (‘course I did, I have issues) and tonight I gave it a shot.

Now, I don’t know the first thing about pizza dough and I wasn’t willing to jump in with both feet here, so I bought a bag of dough from the local grocery and figured I was fine.

OMG!!!  Somebody should’ve warned me how HARD this stuff is to work with!!!

No lie, it took me about a half hour to get that ball of dough onto the pan, resembling a bit of a pizza shape.  A strange pizza shape, but whatever.  I totally should’ve taken a shot of that.  Or a shot of myself wrestling with the damn thing.

I was sweating.  Honestly.  yeeesh.

Anyways …

No recipe, but here’s what I did.

from day 74
ready to go in the oven

I smeared on some BBQ sauce – my beloved Diana’s Chicken & Rib and her Smoked one too.  I kept it pretty light because you can always dip it in some sauce if you haven’t put enough, but you can’t fix having too much on there.  And I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, so yeah.  Then some mozzarella.  Then the bbq chicken that I’d already made the husband cook earlier today and some red onion slices (I don’t like to actually eat the onion, but I love the taste and without it on this, it’s just, well, not as good).  I drizzled a bit more bbq sauce over that (the sauce that was bbq’d with the chicken – yummy!) and threw on the mushrooms and tomatoes (neither of which you need but I wanted them on there) and then some more cheese, just because.

The dough said 425 for around 20 mins so that’s what I did.  And it was pretty damn close.  I think I went 25 mins.  But my dough was pretty thick because, again, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

And then this …


Followed by this …

from day 74
(honestly, he does take that sweater off sometimes)
(oh! and I honest to god did NOT make him pose … he’s a little bit … happy)

followed by this …

from day 74

I think he liked it! *grin*

All said and done (sweating and stressing aside) this was pretty easy!  And nobody was more shocked than I that this turned out so flippin’ delicious.  Seriously.  It kicked ass.  It kicked the cheapskate pizza place’s ass.  It kicked my husband’s ass because he pretty much went into some strange trance-like state eating it.  Incoherent.  It was kinda funny.

I’m sure there’s some gourmet version (or twenty) out there.  Throw some fancy-ass cheese on it or something.

I may not know what the hell I’m doing, but this was delicious :)


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  • kim
    Posted at 00:58h, 16 March Reply

    Well, you did it again, you made me laugh out loud! The pizza looks and sounds good, the photography is very nice, but your writing totally cracks me up!!!
    .-= kim´s last blog ..74/365 =-.

    • Kyria
      Posted at 13:00h, 16 March Reply

      Looks yummy! You are brave; I would have just bought a ready made crust. But hey, you can burn calories while making it!
      .-= Kyria´s last blog ..Seventy-Four =-.

      • janice
        Posted at 14:22h, 16 March Reply

        Not so brave – that was my intention to begin with! LOL!
        The grocery store was out. My luck :)

  • Donna
    Posted at 14:50h, 16 March Reply

    Your husband is adorable but that sweater? Has to go. Seriously.

    Anywayzzzzzzzzz….when I get around to giving this a shot of my own, I’ll be sure to blog it cuz, yeah, homemade pizza is awesome and I haven’t made it in just about forever.

    • janice
      Posted at 15:02h, 16 March Reply

      OMG I know right?!! I’m going to have to hide it :)
      AND that hat!

      Hurry up and give it a shot. I know you’re going to have some cool secrets and stuff to make it awesomeness.

      I browsed around after I did this (duh me – should’ve done that beforehand) and found Gouda and cilantro added. I am spice/herb-stupid so I don’t know what cilantro would do, but Gouda sounds yummy to add!

      • janice
        Posted at 15:40h, 16 March Reply

        PS – Since doing this, I’ve been contemplating a chicken bruschetta one.
        Got any ideas for that one? LOL …

  • Nicci
    Posted at 02:33h, 17 March Reply

    That looks absolutely yummers! I haven’t had BBQ chicken pizza in years. You just can’t find it here.
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..# 50 Spiderweb glasses =-.

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