soaps {55/365}

Today, my 365 feels like a chore.

I don’t like that.


I don’t like this shot much either.  Boring, I say.

Maybe I just have the February blahs.

I think the solution, for now, is my couch and some Jack Bauer :p


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Sheryl
    Posted at 22:44h, 24 February Reply

    Oh, I really like this shot. I find it calming.

    • janice
      Posted at 23:43h, 24 February Reply

      I think it’s just one of those days, and I’m over-thinking.
      I might like it tomorrow! LOL!

  • Nicci
    Posted at 06:25h, 25 February Reply

    I always like the softness of your photos. Mine are always “in your face”. I can’t get that “ooh pretty” look.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:45h, 25 February Reply

      awww thanks!
      There’s only two places in my home that get this nice soft light. Once in awhile. heh.
      Have you played with dof on your new camera yet?

      • Nicci
        Posted at 16:27h, 25 February Reply

        nope. I haven’t had time to read the manual with all the reading I am doing for class. This trend will continue until the end of May, unfortunately.

        • janice
          Posted at 17:08h, 25 February Reply

          Not unfortunately!
          You’s gonna be the smartness! :)

  • Chatty
    Posted at 09:26h, 25 February Reply

    I like this very much.
    .-= Chatty´s last blog ..Need Your Help =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:46h, 25 February Reply

      I think I like it better today ;)

  • Tug
    Posted at 13:07h, 25 February Reply

    I like this as well, it reminds me of a beachside cottage. ;-)
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Roadside Crosses =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 13:27h, 25 February Reply

      ’tis my decor in my bedroom and ensuite.
      Of course, if Chatty up there would take me in as a boarder, I wouldn’t have to pretend I live at the beach ;)

  • Solveig
    Posted at 15:17h, 25 February Reply

    I think it’s a beautiful photo, I love the tones, very pretty.

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