The woman who stole my life awesome Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, has posted another photo assignment.  This time, the subject is "happiness". I knew immediately, which photo I wanted to use ...

I was fooling around again today with macro shots and decided I needed to get DaisyPuppy's nose. No easy task, that. Short of putting her head in a vise, this is as good as I could get.  There are so many things wrong with this photo I'm...

I didn't plan it this way.  In fact, I didn't even notice until I was looking to see what day in the project this was. Day 100 - BULLSEYE!!!  wooot! One Hundred days of faithfully taking a shot at something each and every single (omg) day. How fitting...

Today's shot is courtesy of  PW's newest photo challenge. The theme for the new Photography Assignment is…MACRO. I love macro photography, after dabbling in it for a short time a couple of years ago. I love how beautifully a macro lens opens up a...