When I was laying out the garden at this house, quite a few years ago now, I wanted to also include things I could actually use. Well, besides vegetables. I'm not a vegetable grower at all.  Totally clueless. But florals and herbs and stuff? I'm...

A Duck Tale by Janice S. (oh I is sooo funny! heh) _____________________ We had an unexpected visitor this evening ...

quack! day 187 (1)

I live in the 'burbs, so it's not everyday you see a duck stroll up your front walk. (not one word about my weedy front walk ... shush) These next few shots have been cracking me up since I opened them ... (blame it on the heat, maybe)

The word for this week's edition of The Sunday Creative is 'denim'. So many fun things you could do with this prompt.  So many things I wanted to do! Unfortunately, these days I seem to keep running four or five steps behind myself and I just can't...