the meter’s running {186/365}

Our AC is cranked during this unexpected heat wave we’re having and I swear I can hear the little needle on my gas meter running ’round and ’round and ’round today.

ch-ching, ch-ching, ch-ching …

Honestly, it sounds like that.

You hear it?

I wouldn’t doubt it if the meter at this abandoned building is still running too.  I mean, we’re talking about the gas company, right?

the meter's running - 186/365

Maybe that’s why the people moved out.


Pay no attention to me. I do believe my brain has melted.

Happy Bench Monday!

***Bench Monday Rules:

  1. Stand on a bench. Make sure it’s Monday. Wear something pretty.
  2. Only pictures added to the group on the day called Monday will be accepted. However, pictures do not actually have to be TAKEN on Monday.
  3. Extra points for live props. Double points for chickens :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Betty Anne
    Posted at 21:16h, 05 July Reply

    I know what you mean about brain melt — was out and about today in the car and the A/C compalained that it was too hot and decided not to work — then it would tease us and work a little. Finally when the temp outside cooled just a bit the A/C decided to work just fine. When that happens my brain just doesn’t work except to tell me that it is too HOT for any sane person to be out driving around in a car with a temperamental A/C. I am definitly looking forward to cooler days.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:24h, 05 July Reply

      It’s supposed to be like this all week! :O

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 21:31h, 05 July Reply

    I’m glad I’m just far enough south to miss out on the insane heat. Stay cool.

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:19h, 05 July Reply

    Cute pic! Love the flip flops.

    Now see what I meant about snow?? We went directly from snow & cold to HOTHOTHOT. ugh.

  • April
    Posted at 22:52h, 05 July Reply

    oh my goodness, I am melting too! our ac broke on Saturday, good timing, NOT!

  • Chatty
    Posted at 20:41h, 06 July Reply

    It’s hot here too. Glad we are home from the boat, because I can’t imagine it’s comfortable sleeping over 100 degrees.

    Oh, and love the shot!

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