ha!  what a title.  There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere. "Old" as in, antiqued.  As in, I was messing around in lightroom. and then I messed around making some frames and stuff in photoshop. (shocking) Always messin'. and it would seem I have a thing for pears.  heh --------------------------------------------------------------- You...

Just playing around with the cheap fisheye lens, having fun with my girl. Well, I'm having fun.  She tolerates. This is her location choice though, and her pick for my shot of the day, Bench Monday* style ...

Back out in the garden today.  Another nine hours worth. I'm currently moving like an 80 year old woman.  Actually, no.  An 80 year old woman could probably kick my ass right now. Let this be a lesson.  Do NOT leave your gardening chores until July when...

Guess how I spent my Saturday? I canNot believe that we're into July and all I've done in my gardens is pull a few weeds here and there. What a mess! So I spent a few hours weeding and doing a bit of trimming, and then I started...

The farmhouse edition ;) I wish I would've framed this a little better - the fence post more to the right instead of so omg pretty much dead centered.  I didn't even notice it when I was shooting away. I was totally enthralled with the farm...