Another beautiful day today.  So gorgeous that I find myself with a case of Spring Fever, yet stuck with the dilemma of a good three feet of snow still covering my little piece of the world. So I put a plant in the sunshine and played...

I said I had to quit you, but I didn't say when :) See?  This is why I heart that lens. canon 100mm - f/2.8  ISO 100  1/250 And here's where I embarrass my Husband and tell you that I made HIM pose for this. With my girl-y mittens. Oh...

Why yes!  I DO run around tormenting poor DaisyPuppy with my camera. She's a (somewhat) willing subject when inspiration runs low :) 'put down the camera, woman' --------------------------------------------------------------- You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters. For all daily photos posted...