This year, March seems to be a month to just get through. It's not just me, although for awhile I was worried it was. It's everybody. My neighbours, my friends, my town, my province, half the country. Somebody blamed it all on Mercury Retrograde, which...

Is it March that comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? I can't remember. But if the end of this month is any indication, we're on our way! Sunshine and tulips to round out the week.  See ya, March :) _____________________________________________________________________________________ You can find my...

A rather uneventful week, really. My girl has been sick, Spring apparently arrived (somewhere) and each day has brought more snow. But all of that snow sure has been pretty and I honestly haven't minded it. Seems a bit of a final gift from Old...

This house stops me in my tracks. It looks so quaint and welcoming, surrounded by it's pines and birch trees. What you don't see in this photo is the beautiful barn and two outbuildings over to the left, and the empty fields that once held...

Yes, behind and catching up. Again! You see, the problem is I have this new blog layout in my head. This totally awesome design that I see in front of me, in my head, and yet I haven't had time to sit down and try...