Week twenty-five, 52'rs! And today being a very special Sunday in June, here's wishing a Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads, StepDads, Stand-In Dads, Grandpas ...
I just love some delicious window light. I don't know what it is about items on a windowsill that appeals to me so much. And I swear, one of these days I will have a big, beautiful window overlooking my kitchen sink, filled with potted...
Welcome to week twenty-four, 52'rs! Have you gotten up off the floor and dusted off your knees from last week's prompt? I hope you had fun with it. I've seen a lot of great posts in the flickr pool and here on the blog. I'm...
Wonderful submissions from last week's prompt, 'right now'! I had such a great time browsing through your photos this week and I honestly had to stop myself from featuring ALL of them on our new facebook page. Well done, 52'rs, well done!
This week, we're going...