This year, March seems to be a month to just get through. It's not just me, although for awhile I was worried it was. It's everybody. My neighbours, my friends, my town, my province, half the country. Somebody blamed it all on Mercury Retrograde, which...

If you've been reading here for a bit, you'll no doubt know that 2011 wasn't the best of times for me. To say the least. Normally, I'd be all about "goodbye 2011, don't let the door hit you in the ass" or something to that effect and...

The Mortal Muses are thinking about the theme 'antiques', so I stopped at my favourite shop on my way home from work today. They were closed. They're always flippin' closed.  It's hit and miss with that place. But! their porch is always open with finds strewn here and...