18 Nov focus52|2012 {week forty-seven} november 18 to 24
This post is L-A-T-E! wow. Honestly, I’m not even going to begin to tell you the problems I’ve had getting this published. Nope. I just want to put it all behind me and pretend it was all a bad dream.
*big deep breath*
Aaaaanndd … exhale.
Alrighty then. Moving right along (twenty-four hours later, but whatever – who’s counting anyways) I’m just going to jump right into this week’s prompt.
Ironic, no? I am thankful I still have hair on my head. heh.
In all seriousness though, throughout this month of November, the 2012 Gratitude project has been taking place in various forms all around the world wide web. On blogs, on flickr, on twitter, on instagram … people from all walks of life are celebrating gratitude and giving thanks. So this week, we’re going to join in the celebrations and give some thought to what we are thankful for in our lives. It doesn’t have to be complicated (unless you want it to be) and could be something as simple as a beautiful flower or a morning sunrise. The point here is to take a moment or two to reflect on this life you’ve been given and express your thanks for the moments you are grateful for.
In the spirit of thankfulness, I’ve put together a little piece of typography that I thought you might like.
(Please note that, as always, the download is for your personal use only. Reselling, redistributing or any sort of commercial use is a big no-no)
Just click on the graphic and you’ll be directed over to our facebook page for the full-sized download. You’ll have to like the page though, if you haven’t yet! The full download measures 8 x 8 and is specifically designed for printing (this one here is not, so head over to facebook) and personally, I think it looks sweet in a simple white frame. I hope you like it!
A little reminder that every single day holds at least one gift, right? Yes.
It’s no coincidence that our prompt this week coincides with our American friends celebrating their own Thanksgiving holiday. Plenty of photo ops to be had right there! I hope you join in with the prompt this week, but whatever you decide to do, please come back here and share your work with us when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo (again, the actual photo, not your entire flickr stream). It’s a fact that those who link up early, get the most interaction on their work, so get the photos in! Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! And don’t forget the focus52 flickr pool.
I wish you a wonderful week, filled with moments to be thankful for.
psssttt… looking for last week’s link up? click here
Posted at 18:36h, 25 NovemberI love the graphic, and I downloaded it immediately after I saw this post on Sunday. But I haven’t gotten around to installing a rar extractor … any chance you can email it to me?
Posted at 19:52h, 25 NovemberTry winrar. It’s great.