water [33/52]

I decided to try something new for this week’s prompt, “water”.

Well, new to me :)

Anyway … here’s my take on it – strawberries in sparkling water. Not terribly original, but fun nonetheless.

This last one is my favourite, I think. I love the sparkles. There’s quite a bit I can pick on with these shots, but I’m going to shut up, let it be, and say ‘not bad for a first attempt’.

(my lighting skills really need work though … can’t help saying that)

Short and sweet post this week, and late as it is. I’ve gone back to work and have typically been running two steps behind myself ever since :)


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  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 08:01h, 23 August Reply

    I don’t know what you’re unhappy with….these are fabulous!! Now, I’m thirsty!

    • janice
      Posted at 13:42h, 26 August Reply

      The lighting, mostly. But whatever! LOL

  • Gail
    Posted at 10:36h, 23 August Reply

    What a great idea!! I love the way the sparkling water created little beads around the berry. My favorite has to be the second one.

    • janice
      Posted at 13:43h, 26 August Reply

      Thanks Gail! I like that one too.
      It was fun trying to stay in focus while the darn things bob around in the bubbles. LOL!

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